Book 1~Chapter 1~Everyday Job

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Walking through the corridors of the Capitol was one thing I did pretty regularly by now, doing it in High Heels and a sexy black dress was new.
There was some birthday celebration here today. I don't know whose and I really couldn't care less.
My Dad is one of the most feared people in America and I will do anything to help him get what he needs.
And I mean anything. Being 25, I've punched people, I've cut people with knives most thought I couldn't handle, I've killed people.

I had a gun well hidden under my dress, knives on both my hips and a poisonous potion in my bra.
What I need is the ring that is supposed to be on the hand of the President.
Finally I walked through the doors of the ballroom. Scanning my surroundings and searching for the President I elegantly took a glass of Champagne or whatever that was and a shrimp cocktail and made myself comfortable in the next corner.
Where is he? Where is the President?
I took my phone out and opened a system that my Dad worked with whenever he could. I just need to let it connect to the security system of the Capitol and.. ALARM! Loud sirens was echoing through the halls and everyone started to get out.
And just like that, there was my target.
"Here, I'll help you Mister President."I said and  held his arm and hand. Without him noticing I took the ring and put it in a small pocket of my dress.

When we were outside, the scenery was wild, all kinds of security was there, police, army, even the FBI.
"Dad!"someone screamed behind us.
The President turned around.
"I'm fine, Zac. This lovely woman helped me get out." Aw, how nice of him to say that and actually believe it.
"That's great Dad, but we pay Security for that.."he said and then turned to me.
Why is he so quiet now and why is he looking into my eyes for so long?
"Thank you though.... You.. your eyes.. they're.." he stuttered.
"Orange? I know. Did you know yours are blue?"I asked.
He seemed to be in shock and I took the chance and left. Going under in the crowd that had been in front of the Capitol the whole day.

In my black race car I drove back home, but I called my dad on the way.
"Open the gate, I'm bringing you the ring." I said when I knew he can hear me.
"Ava, you amaze me.. that was faster than I expected."Dad answered.
"I learned from the best."
I could practically see him smile with pride right now.
"Gate's open, come downstairs when you're here."
And the call ended. Our house was an old castle, not one of those giant beautiful castles you  imagine in fairytales, this one wasn't that big and it was black, inside and out. 
Passing the Gate to our grounds was like entering a new world, where some kind of magic was a real thing and the deadliest poisons were brewing. The never ending fog was only in the way of those who weren't used to it. That's why our eyes light up when we're here. Dad has bright green eyes, I have the eyes of my mother, bright orange, with a hint of bright blue on the outer edges of the lenses.

Besides my eyes my appearance was pretty normal, or what I think is normal. Dark blonde, wavy hair, a trained body and mostly black clothes.
My Dad is Sigma Sinfloyd, as you already know, the most feared man in America. The only time I saw him cry was when mom died, got killed by a vampire. Though I know we're not a normal family and I know we do bad things, I know there's no one who loves me more than my Dad. If anything would happen to me, his only daughter, I'm not sure he'd survive. I know it sounds strange that someone who kills people, with the snap of a finger, could feel something like love, but believe me, he does.
"There you are. Where is it?"he came towards me with a proud smile on his face.
I got the ring out of my pocket and put it onto his open palm.
"What's so special about it?"I asked while we were watching it shimmer in the little amount of light we had here.
"This, my lovely daughter is guaranteed freedom."he said and went to the other side of the room, where he had set up a safety capsule to keep the ring safe.
"Freedom of what?"I asked on.
"You, my dear... I never told you but had a vampire or a werewolf or even one of the witches stolen that ring before us.. you would've been married off to one of them."Dad explained, my mouth fell open.
"What?"I asked not believing what I just heard.
"Now that we have it, nothing will happen to you."he said and took me into his arms.

The Good And The Bad ~ A Fantasy Story by Dogspaulina99Where stories live. Discover now