Book 1~Chapter 18~Through

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Sigmas PoV:
The whole night we waited for a doctor to talk to us. Everyone had taken at least a nap by now.
"Sigma? I know this might not be the time but I remembered something that could be the explanation for why Ava was able to kill Dracos."Sage came up to me.
"What is it?"I asked.
"I remembered reading something about a certain light, that some halfbloods have, it's some kind of default, if you will. The light Nora had.. there's a possibility she gave it to Ava and because vampires are so sensible about light, she was able to kill him. The power of the light within her."he explained. Now that he said that I did remember something like that too.
The light and the vampires were a whole thing on its own. Sunlight wasn't a problem, it wouldn't kill them, but certain types of light sources could kill them within seconds. The light within a person is the most powerful light there is.
"I know this is probably the wrong time but I remembered a few days ago and I just needed to get it off my chest.."Sage said.
"It's alright.. I think you're onto something.."I said and patted his shoulder.
Seemingly happy with himself Sage went and sat back down.
Then finally a doctor came.
"Miss Sinfloyd is awake now, you can see her but please not all at the same time and not for too long. She needs to rest."the doctor said.
"So she'll get through?"I asked.
"She's still in bad condition but we believe she's going to get through, yes."he said.
I looked at Zac.
"You want to go first?"I asked.
"No.. you go first.. she wanted to see you so badly when she spoke last.."Zac said and I nodded.

In a different tent I finally saw my daughter.
"Dad.."she said tiredly and smiled at me.
I went to her and sat down beside her on her bed, taking her hand in mine.
"You can't do things like that to my old heart.."I said jokingly.
She just smiled at me.
"Is everyone ok?"she asked.
"Worried sick but ok, yeah.."I answered.
"I love you, Dad."she whispered.
"I love you too, babygirl."I said and kissed her hand.
"There's someone else who I think really wants to see you right now... you ready for that?"
She nodded tiredly and Zac was already on his way when I came out.
"Regretting letting me go first?"I asked smiling.
"No.. just really happy to see her.." he said and disappeared to where Ava was.
We didn't see him for the rest of the day.

Avas PoV:
Zac stayed with me and fell asleep on the chair next to me. While I was sleeping I dreamed of my mother. She was telling me that I did good and that she's proud of me.
When I woke back up, Zac was already awake and smiled at me.
"Hey sleepyhead.. you feel better now?"
He looked better, his eyes weren't so tired anymore and his skin wasn't as pale anymore.
"I do.."I said and smiled back at him.
"I have something for you."he said and took out a little box.
"What's that?"
"I promised you something and I intend to keep it.. so this is an engagement ring.. given the circumstances you still want to be my wife.."he said and held out the ring to me.
Our eyes lit up at the same time.
"I want that.."I nodded at him, smiling. He put the ring on my finger and we kissed.
"I love you."I said for the first time.
"I love you too."he said and we smiled at each other. After another kiss I went back to sleep.

When I was back on my feet it was time to find out what happened in the Dark World while we were away. Not before Zac and I had the chance to have a very special night with each other. We had to wait for so long to be that close to each other again.
Zac couldn't come to the Dark World with us though, he had to stay with his father and make a plan for rebuilding their country.
So while I was still taking it easy, the boys were all excited to go back home.
I was excited too but mostly still tired.
Turns out, killing the wolves had made even our world brighter. Not as bright as the normal world but you can definitely see a lot more from where you're standing now.
And the path towards the Vampire Mansion isn't closed anymore.

"You ok?"Dad asked.
"More than ok."I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Let's get inside."he said and we went into the castle and even inside everything seemed a little brighter.

The Good And The Bad ~ A Fantasy Story by Dogspaulina99Where stories live. Discover now