Book 1~Chapter 13~The More The Merrier

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Hours went by, but now being five people, we were able to save a lot more people. Walking in the front line we were walking straight towards my father.
"Dad! Look who I found!"I said running into his arms.
"I can see that.. there's someone waiting for you, too."Dad said and smiled at me.
"Where?"I asked.
"Turn around."he said and I did.
There he was. Zac, and his bright blue eyes lit up just as much as mine when we saw each other. I ran into his arms.
"I was so worried for you."I said while holding him tight.
"Funny.. I wasn't worried for you one bit.."he said and smiled down at me.
I couldn't resist anymore and we shared a deep passionate kiss.
"Hey Ava. Let the poor guy breathe."Sage joked behind me.
"Shut up!" I shouted back.
"How's your dad?"I asked looking back at Zac.
"Hanging in there.. surprisingly good though."he said.
"Is he still scared of me?"I asked.
"I talked to him a lot about everything. He's just scared this is the end of our world as we know it.. but I think he warmed up to your dad, he just doesn't want anyone to know." Zac smiled.
I smiled too.
"I missed you." I said.
"I missed you too."he said, gave me a kiss on the forehead and held me close in his arms. It felt so good to finally be this close to him again.

Hand in hand we were the last ones to go back into the safe zone. When we walked into the room everyone was gathered in, all eyes went to our hands. Dad and the others smiled and I immediately knew that they already knew. Zacs dad didn't look so happy though.
I saw him stare at his son.
John stood up and walked up to me.
"If you take away my son, in whatever way, I'll make sure every last one of your folks will be dead."he said, looking right into my eyes.
"Dad.."Zac said pleading.
"You don't know what you're doing."he said towards Zac and with that said he left the room.
"Go, talk to him.."I said to Zac, who took me in a hug, gave me a kiss on the head and went after his dad.

"So pretty boy really swooped you off your feet, huh?"Mikos said and came up to me.
I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything.
"It's good to see you so happy."he smiled at me and all the tension fell off my shoulders.
"Thank you.."I said and we shared a quick hug.
In the back I saw Roger giving dad the ring we once stole from the Capitol.
"Why is the ring here?"I asked nervously, for some reason I immediately started shaking.
"It's ok, it's just the fake one.. hey.. look at me.. it's only the fake, the real one couldn't be in an any safer place right now, ok?"Dad was right there and took me in his arms.
"Ok.."I said when I had calmed down a little.
"Where exactly is it?"I asked.
"We found out how to get rid of it.. it's deep deep down in a sea of brewing hot lava and probably not even there anymore."Dad explained.

An hour later Zac came back. We all looked at him.
"Where's your father?"Dad asked.
"Outside, he calmed down but he says he'll disown me if he has to."Zac said.
I heard the others giggle.
"I'll talk to him.. if I can accept it, it can't be too hard to make him accept it too."Dad said and went outside.
"You ok?"I went up to Zac and put my hands on his hips.
"Yeah.. he just needs time.. this is all a lot for him right now."he said.
"Understandable."Uncle Roger said.
I turned around to look at him.
"You know, all of this and then he probably realized he had to let his son go.. it's not that easy.."he tried to explain.
"Are you trying to warn Tom right now or what exactly is your mission?"I asked.
It felt good to joke around with the people I was so used to.

We went back on the battlefield that day with Zac. Dad and John were staying in the safe zone. Fighting with Zac by my side, I felt so much more powerful. While we were running from fight to fight, we came by the White House. If you could still call it a house.
"Come on, we can't stay here for too long."I said and took his hand and we ran.

The Good And The Bad ~ A Fantasy Story by Dogspaulina99Where stories live. Discover now