Book 2~Chapter 1~New Paths

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We were married for a year by now and since the War there haven't been any issues. The few werewolves, that had been hidden back then, were so scared of us that they practically did everything, just to be alive. And the Vampires now supported my family again.
Besides that people had recovered pretty well from the War. Cities were build back up again and lots of people took the opportunity to start a whole new life, new businesses and so many new families were built.

I was on my way to Dad. The tunnel connecting our worlds and with that, our houses, was the best idea ever. It just makes everything so much easier. When I arrived in the living room of our castle my uncle and my father were arguing. As most of the time, about something stupid.
I faked a cough.
"Ava, what are you doing here?"Dad asked and gave me hug.
"I don't know, maybe I just wanted to see what my old man was up to today."I said and he smiled at me.
"You know, your favourite uncle is right here, so you don't have to lie, Ava."Roger said.
"Ok, maybe I wanted to see what all of you are up to."I said smiling.
"Nothing much, just training. What about you?"Dad asked.
"Zac is having some important thing with his Dad and the parliament, so I'm bored."
"Care to join the training?"Roger asked.
"Ok, better than just sitting around on my own."I said and after equipping and meeting up with the boys we went into the Dark Forest.
"Is that happening a lot, that you're sitting around on your own?"Dad fell into step with me.
"Just the past few days.. some important paper can't be found and his Father needs him, mostly to calm him down.."I explained.
"So everything is fine?"
"Yeah Dad, don't worry.."
He took my arm and made me stop walking.
"What?"I asked confused.
"Have you seen a doctor lately?"he asked.
"What? No, not in like a year. Why?"
"You're glowing.. radiating.."Dad said.
"Radiating?... so what?"
"It's the same glow your mother had when she was pregnant with you.."
Just now I realized what he was so worried about.
"You think I'm pregnant?"
"Could be, yeah.. look, I could be just reading into it too much, but promise me to see a doctor soon, ok?" I nodded but I saw something else in his eyes, something besides the worry of going to be a grandpa..
"What exactly are you so scared of Dad?"I asked.
"I... I have a feeling it's not going to stay as peaceful as it is right now.. and if you're really pregnant.. I want to be able to get you to safety if I need to.."he said. My heart was beating quicker for a few seconds. Knowing something bad is coming was his kind of sense. So I was already sure that something is going to happen soon.
"Ok.. I'll get checked up, promise."I said and we went after the others.

Throughout the training I thought about what it would be like to actually be pregnant. So many things would change. Would now even be the right time? I mean if Zac is actually running for President, he won't have much time. What if I'm not ready to be a mom? Or what if I'm a bad mom? My mind started racing.
"Ava! Hey!.."my cousin, Tom, snapped his fingers in front of me.
"Where did you just wonder off to?"he asked.
"Nowhere..I'm just tired."I answered and we went on with the training.

Later, when I was back home, I took a bath. And finally Zac was coming home.
"Honey? You there?"he screamed.
"In the bathroom!"I screamed back. I heard him come upstairs. It's weird how sometimes you can hear the confidence in someones steps. He smiled at me when he came through the door and gave me a kiss.
"You know, something about you in water really makes me love you even more, every time."he said and gave me another kiss.
"You know, you could come in here too, and tell me how things went today.."
We smiled at each other and he took his clothes  off and joined me in the bathtub. Now sitting in front of each other, he told me about his quite stressful day and how he's worried it might be too much for his father.
When he was done he looked up at the ceiling.
I lightly put my foot on his chest and he looked at me.
"I'm proud of you, you know that?"I said.
He just smiled tiredly.
I manuvered myself so I'm laying on top of him.
"What is it?"
Why is everyone so in their thoughts today?
"I'm sorry I'm not home much these days.."he said while playing with a strand of my hair and looking deep into my eyes.
"It's fine... your Dad needs you right now.."I said and we smiled at each other.
"It's just.. laying in this tub with you really made me realize that we didn't really spent time together the past few days.."
"Stop it! You're being the good son you are, there's nothing wrong with that."I said and once again we shared a smile.
"I really don't deserve you.."he whispered.
We shared a kiss.
"Liar.."I said once I was able to look into his eyes again.. and talk.

The Good And The Bad ~ A Fantasy Story by Dogspaulina99Where stories live. Discover now