Book 1~Chapter 15~Old Friends

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We went through the Capitol, room by room, corridor by corridor. But there was not a single soul to be found. I was actually impressed the Capitol wasn't burnt down by now. In the foyer we all came back together.
Everyone seemed a little confused as to no one being here.
"Now what?"Sage asked.
"We need to find Sirius somehow.."Dad said.
"So we go and scatter once more?"Mikos asked.
"The army has a station nearby.. if we go there they can help us with the search."the President said.
"You and I will go there.. the rest of us, get going, scatter, we meet back at the safe zone when moonlight hits us."Dad said. And when we turned around, suddenly there was a voice behind us.

"Not so fast.."
"Ace.." I recognized his voice, Dracos son.
He practically flew down the stairs and came to stand right in front of me.
He looked straight into my eyes and I felt my eyes light up. I was sad because of our lost friendship, because I felt bad about killing his father, because I knew he had every right to hate me right now.
"I'm sorry.."I said knowing exactly what he would've said.
"I don't understand why you were able to do it, I don't want to know why you even attempted to hurt him.. but I know if you wanted to you could probably kill me right now.."Ace said.
I started shaking once again.
"We still don't know why it happened ourselves, Ace.."Dad said and put an arm around me.
"Really?"Ace looked at me again.
"Can't you see how scared she is of her own actions?"Dad said.
For a second there was only silence. Then Ace let out a tired breath.
"The wolves played us.."he said.
"What?"Roger asked.
"They poisoned half of us.. maybe including my father. Then they send us into the fight first and on our own, even though they're a lot stronger.. when we heard that my father is dead Sirius killed even more of us.. only a few are somewhere out there besides me and my brothers."Ace explained.
"Ace, I'm sorry to hear that, but we need to stop this. Do you know where Sirius is?"Dad asked.
"They're moving inwards.. the sky is getting darker and darker by the minute, they're killing the lights, the people, of this world."Ace explained.
"Where are your brothers?"I asked.
"Right there."he said and we noticed them standing on the stairs.
Heath and Smarag, Aces younger brothers.
"Good to see you alive, Ava." Smarag said. They came downstairs I couldn't bring myself to look them in the eyes.
"Don't hide your eyes, Ava.. We believe you.. we believe you didn't know what you were doing."Heath said and turned my face up by my chin.
"I'm sorry.." I whispered.
"We know you are.."Smarag said.
It was good to know all the years we had spent together in the woods were still worth something.
"And just so you know, even though we would've been happy to marry you, each of us, we wouldn't have made you, if you didn't want it."Ace said.
Even after all this time and even though that pact was history, it felt good to hear that.
"Now, let's go get those wolves."Smarag said.

The brothers went together and we stayed in our pairs, even though we were all close enough to see each other, no one should be on their own.
"Why do I feel like every male your age out of your world has a crush on you?"Zac asked, but he was smiling.
"Because it's true."Sage shouted from a few feet away. His sense of hearing is spectacularly good.
I just shrugged and surprisingly enthusiastic we made our way towards the noise of the war.
What we saw even from afar was scary. Burning buildings, at least seven helicopters shooting endlessly onto the ground. We stopped walking and Zac came to my side, taking my hand and squeezing it.
Without words Dad started walking again and everyone followed.
"You're worried for your father, aren't you?"Ace suddenly walked by my side.
"It's not like I don't believe in him, it's just been so exhausting the last few weeks.. I'm scared he's not concentrated enough."I said.
"I'll keep an eye on him."Ace said.
"Thank you.."I said and soon we came to a stop again. Now Ace took the lead.
"Sirius is probably somewhere in the first row, so we'll need to get through to the middle.
Sigma, Roger and I are going to keep walking fowards. You others scatter and round up on them. Heath you stay with Ava and Zac. And Smarag you stay with Tom and the President. I believe Mikos and Sage are good on their own."he explained and we all nodded.
"If we don't hear from one another until tonight, we'll each have to fight on our own, always coming back to each other will cost us too much time..."
I looked over to dad, immediately his face was worried. I went over to him and gave him a hug.
"Be careful out there."Dad said.
"You too."
"You got your knives? Your gun is loaded?"he asked.
"I know I know... "he just said and let me go before turning to Zac.
"Protect my daughter for me, will you?"
"I will.. with my life if I have to."Zac said and after hugging all the boys and Dad once more, we scattered.

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