Book 1~Chapter 11~Change

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Avas PoV:
The "normal" world looked darker already. Grey clouds were mounting up in the sky and the things that were so colorful the last time now seemed to be two tones darker. We didn't bring the car this time.
"If it burns, it'll burn here."is what Dad said when I asked him about it. There was an uncertainty in his voice I hadn't heard in a while. 
It took one day and the whole country was a battlefield, but it was unusually quiet right now. We were walking up to the White House. "I don't trust this.." I said.
"Me neither."Dad said.
Just when we had arrived at the bottom of the stairs Dracos appeared on top.
"Sigma, old friend.. it's good to see you.. and your oh so beautiful little daughter.. look at those beautiful eyes.." he held my chin up and looked into my eyes, I didn't budge not wanting to give him the satisfaction.
"It's a pity that ring got stolen.. she would've been a cute addition to my family."he went on and Dad stepped in front of me.
"Don't you dare touch my daughter."he said.
"I wouldn't be so loud, Sigma.. you don't want anything happening to your little team here, right? Especially that pretty girl of yours..."Dad took his knife out in the same moment someone grabbed me, Zac and John from behind.
"Dad!"Dracos was holding a dagger over my fathers head, who was now kneeling.
"Now now, honey.. I won't kill him.. that would be too easy.."Dracos said.
I noticed my Dad holding up four fingers behind his back. Attack 4! Hell, dad how would I remember what that was. Quick I thought about what I needed to do. Which was freeing myself and getting the dagger away from my Dads head.

As soon as I knew what I had to do I gathered all my strength, kicked whoever was holding me, where it hurt most and ran towards my father without looking back. I jumped up off my fathers shoulder took my knife out and used it to throw the dagger in the air. I landed behind Dracos and catched the dagger by its handle. Then I held it up to his back, pushing just so much he can feel that it's there.
"Now now, Dracos.. you wouldn't be scared of a little girl like me, would you?"I said and Dad stood up.
"You trained her well."Dracos said.
"I know."Dad said.
"And don't call her honey ever again.. the scars wouldn't look good on you.."he went on.
"You sure you want to stay with your Dad? He lied to you.. your mom.. she wasn't always one of his kind, you know? She once was a perfectly normal human and she wanted to stay here.. especially when she was pregnant.. but he didn't want to leave his life.. it could've been so different, Ava.. this is all just happening because my son and the Murphys son are competing for you.. if you would've just married one of them thousands of people would still be alive.."
"Stop!" I started shaking.
"And even worse your mom died because she drank what was meant for you.. do you understand? It's your fault your mom died."
"Stop it!"I screamed.
"And it's your fathers fault this whole situation is happening."Dracos said. Boiled up emotions made me do something I didn't think I could.
I pressed the dagger into Dracos body and he fell to the ground with a thud. Normally I couldn't have killed him. Why did that happen?

I looked over to Dad, who was just as shocked.
"Dad?"I was shaking and tears started streaming down my face. I've killed people before but never someone like a vampire, all the books say it's impossible. It was an amount of power I couldn't deal with.
"We need to get out of here, his people will soon be here, hungry for revenge. Come on."Dad said and took me by the arm. He freed John and Zac and we ran.
We found cover in an old rundown house.

I was still shaking.
"Honey.. I'm sorry.."Dad came up to me.
"It's alright.. I already knew all of it.."I said.
"I found moms diaries... when I found out I was mad for a second but I realized you only wanted me to be safe, not questioning if maybe the real world would be better for me.."I explained.
"The vampires are going to kill me now..."I said after short silence.
"I won't let them."Dad said.
"Why? Why was I able to kill him? That shouldn't even be possible."
"I don't know, but we'll find out, ok? We'll find out.."Dad said and tried to calm my rapid heartbeat by giving me a hug.

The Good And The Bad ~ A Fantasy Story by Dogspaulina99Where stories live. Discover now