Book 1~Chapter 6~Crossing Borders

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"So what you're saying is: The Vampires and Wolves want to take over this part of the world?"Dad said.
The dark world was its' own thing, taking over the "real" world is actually against the rules that were set thousands of years ago. Messing with it was fine but actually wanting to take it over, not so much. So hearing that was actually a shock to us.
"That's what they said and we don't know what they have in store for us. You know what they can and can't do."the President said.
Dad looked at me.
"What do you think?"he asked and all eyes were on me.
"Honestly, how is this supposed to work if you already greet us with a whole army of highly armed people on the first day? How are we supposed to work together if you trust us that little?"I asked.
"You're right. No more armies to greet you. But we need a few to keep guard."Zac said and looked at me.
"While we're on that topic, could you tell your lovely friends here to aim somewhere else than my daughters head?"Dad asked. It took one nod of the President and they lowered their guns.
"One more thing: We need you to swear that you won't do any harm to us and our people."the President said.
Dad and I looked at each other.
"We can swear we won't do more harm than necessary.. this is war Mister President we can't promise that there won't be any people hurt.."Dad explained. Zac and his Dad looked at each other. Zac nodded.
"We won't kill you.. not on purpose at least.."Dad said.
The President held out his hand and dad took it.

After discussing what exactly to do we went back home.
"So, your eyes told me you like that son of the President... I saw you fighting against it and I won't tell you not to trust your feelings.. but he's a simple human Ava you two don't have a future.. but you're smart I'm sure you already know that."he explained.
"Yeah, I know..."
"You're partly responsible for his safety now, you need to be concentrated and professional."
"I will be.."I said quietly.
"And don't play Mikos like that. He will be hurt but better now than in three years..."
"Dad! I can handle my life on my own, ok?"

Ending things with Mikos was the first thing I did when we were back home. He actually took it just fine, said something like he felt that I wasn't fully in it, that he saw it coming and that he's glad I'm honest to him, so I let him believe that. I mean, it was nice to be with him, really, but I always felt bad for thinking about Zac so much. Anyways, dad and I packed a few things, because we are actually going to live in the White House until the worst part is over.

After one more night at home we were about to leave. Roger, Tom, Sage and Mikos would stay here and only come to help if we needed them.
"Take care of my brother, will you?"Uncle Roger came and gave me a hug.
"I'll try."I said and hugged him back.
"Don't burn the house down."Dad said while hugging his brother.
And soon we were on our way. We were within the Dark Forest and I had a weird feeling.
"Dad? Do you feel like we're being watched?"I asked.
"I thought it was just my nerves."
We took an extra round around the lake and then left what we understood to be our world.

This time when we arrived at the White House there was a normal amount of guards and Zac and his father were already waiting on the stairs. Zac came down and opened my door. I went and got my suitcase.
"Let me take that for you."Zac said and took my suitcase.
We walked up the stairs.
"Welcome.. and thank you once again for helping us in these difficult times."the President said, he looked like he aged ten years since yesterday.
"You can thank us when this is over."dad said and went inside. I followed him. We stopped in the foyer. The President went into the living room, accompanied by four security guards.

"I'll show you your rooms." Zac said and went on to show us to our rooms, mine was on the other side of his and for some reason that made me nervous. After putting my stuff away I wandered through the House. There were pictures of the President, Zac and who I assumed was his mother.
"My mom died two years ago.. lung cancer.. dad is still hurting because of it."I heard Zac behind me and turned around.
"He'll always be hurting because of it.."I said, knowing my Dad will never get over my mom.
"My mom died too.. nine years ago.. she was poisoned by a vampire."I explained.
"So you're telling me your Dad has a soft spot?"Zac asked jokingly.
"Joke all you want, we're not pure evil.. no matter what stories they tell you on TV.." I said and walked to the window at the end of the corridor.

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