Book 1~Chapter 4~Stand Our Ground

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A few days passed and Mikos and I were hunting each other in the woods. It was part of our training, we need to know our grounds from north to south and east to west. I hid behind a tree to catch my breath.
"You need to hide better."Mikos stood in front of me all of a sudden, his knife in the tree, inches away from my face.
"And you need to stay concentrated."I said taking his knife out of the tree and switching our positions.
"Your eyes shine brighter these days."he said looking directly into them. I looked away. When my eyes shine brighter than usual it's either because I'm sad or because I fell in love.
"Tomorrow nine years ago mom died."I said turning away holding the knife that was once hers in my hand.
"She'd be really proud of you."

I didn't say anything. I just walked up to the tree we burried her under. I knelt down and touched the stone with her name on it. I felt tears in my eyes.
"Why does it still feel like it's my fault she died?" I started crying.
"It's not your fault..."Mikos said and took me in his arms.
"She drank what was meant for me... Dracos wanted to kill me, not her.."
Mikos didn't say a word until we were back in the castle.

"We visited Noras grave."he said when Dad looked at him.
"Honey.. how many more times do you have to hear that it's not your.."
"Stop! It is my fault she died and we all know that! Dracos wanted to poison me, not her!"I interrupted and after looking at everyone in the room I stormed to my room, where I ended up on my bed.
To my surprise the first person coming in wasn't my father but Mikos.
"Leave me alone."I said turning around on my bed.
"No.. I won't..." I felt my bed moving and knew he sat down.
"No one knew something like that would happen, Ava. And what if you would've drank the poison? In the end, either way there would've been two heartbroken people.."
"But Dad would have the love of his life still.."I said. I know it seems weird that people like us believe in love like that, but I knew how much he missed her, how many times he cries for her, how many times he visits her grave when he thinks I won't notice.
"I need to talk to him.."I said, stood up and walked out of my room.

"Maybe it was wrong keeping her in this life. I should've given her away and let her live the life she deserves." I heard my father speak.
"Sigma. ..I don't think she would've liked that." I heard Roger, he's my uncle by the way.
"But she would be safe, away from all this madness."
"She was fourteen when Nora died.. you really think giving her away during that time would've made things easier?"
I felt a hand on my shoulder. Mikos.

"I don't think so.."I said, now standing in the doorway.
Dad looked at me with a worried face.
"How much of that did you hear?"
"Enough.. and if you think you could've gotten rid of me that easily you should think about how well you know your daughter.."I explained.
Roger giggled and Dad couldn't hide the smile that was spreading on his face.
"I'm sorry... and I know you don't want to hear it, but it really wasn't your fault.. no one knew it would be happening.. the only thing we can do now is make your mom proud, even though I'm sure she already is more than proud of you..."
Dad held me in his arms.
"I think she's proud of you too.." And as the day ended I took a bath.

I looked out of the window next to the tub and hummed a melody that was stuck in my head since that birthday thing in the Capitol. I played with the foam in front of me and all of a sudden Zac was back in my head. That was happening a lot these days. His eyes were such a bright blue, that you could almost think he's one of us.
The door screeched and looked towards it.
"Mikos.. ever heard of knocking?"
"Sorry.."he said. The moonlight lit up the bathroom through the little window.
"Is something wrong?"I asked.
"N-No.. everything's fine.. just wanted to make sure you're alright."he said and left.
And what exactly was that all about?
Soon I got out of the tub and went into my bedroom. My black silky robe reminded me of my mother. She used to wear one that looked a lot like this. I looked at myself in the mirror, then there was a knock on my door.
Mikos came into my room.
"You're really obsessed with me lately, aren't you?" I smiled at him.
"I can't disagree on that."he said and came closer.

The Good And The Bad ~ A Fantasy Story by Dogspaulina99Where stories live. Discover now