Book 1~Chapter 10~Training

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Back home we both went to our rooms. To my surprise Mikos was there.
"Where have you been?"he asked.
"In the woods.."I said.
"In your robe?"he asked on.
"I couldn't sleep and I was too lazy to get dressed for a walk.."I explained.
"And pretty boy? Why was he with you?"
"He couldn't sleep either, so I decided to show him some part of the woods.. now, could you leave please? I want to go to bed."
"One more thing.. why did your eyes shine like that when you came back?"
"We.. we talked about mom.."I answered.
"You sure about that?"Mikos asked.
"What do you mean?"I asked back.
"He's playing you Ava! He and his Dad are probably just trying to get all of us killed.." his eyes were burning with anger. I was leaning against the wall by now.
"What's happening here?"Dad came into my room.
Immediately Mikos took a step away from me.
"She's falling for their tricks... you should've never brought them here.."Mikos said to my father.
"There are no tricks, Mikos.. we said we'd help them and we will stand true to our words! Other than that I am the one who decides what I should and shouldn't do!.. and if you can't handle that Ava doesn't love you you should put that energy into your training."Dad said angrily.
"You think I need training?"Mikos asked and a second later there was a knife in the wall right beside my head.
"I don't even have to look to know I didn't hurt her.. I won't ever."Mikos said.
"I didn't mean to hurt you like that."I said quietly, just now understanding what I did to him.
"I know you didn't.. you tried to do the right thing.. Sorry.. I'll leave you alone now.."he said and left.
I looked at my father.
"He'll get over it... Now go to bed, we'll be training with Zac and John tomorrow, they need to learn how to fight."he said.
"Ok. Goodnight."
"Goodnight."Dad said.

The next day we didn't waste any time and immediately got ready for the training.
"You'll each get two knives and a gun. These bodysuits should fit you and everything happens on my command."Dad explained, while Zac and John were getting geared up.
"Are these actually sharpened?"Zac asked while holding one of the knives in his hands.
Dad nodded to me. I took the knife out of his hand and threw it onto a stone wall.
"Did that answer your question?"Dad asked.
"Eh.. yeah.. yeah that answered it.."Zac said.
I got the knife off the wall and gave it back to him.

Zacs PoV:
So we're throwing around with knives sharp enough to cut through stone. Fun..
I put the knives in the pockets on my hips and the gun on my right side. Then we walked into the woods. Images of last night came back into my head. And I took a look at Ava walking in front of me. She's so mesmerizing. Her eyes are even more beautiful when they shine like they did last night. And she smells amazing, like vanilla. I got myself together and concentrated on where I was walking.
Soon we stopped walking.
"So, what my amazing daughter will show you now, is perfect aim with both knives and the gun. You won't learn that within one day but you can try to get close.
When we attempt to kill someone, we hurt three parts of their body.
First knife: into the leg, it weakens the attacker greatly, if you don't want to kill'em leave it at that.
Second knife: into the arm that the attacker is about to attack you with, no matter if there's a gun, a knife or anything else in his hands.
And third part, the gun: a shot right into the chest."Sigma explained while Ava was doing exactly what he was saying.
"Now this is easy, since the target isn't moving, but out there, you can't afford not to be concentrated, you hear me?"he said towards me and my dad. We nodded.
Ava came back with her knives in hand.
"And now this is the real speed."Sigma said and within seconds Avas knives were back in the wooden target and the shot went right into where there would be heart in a human.
I heard dad take a shocked breath. And though I was shocked too I was also kind of impressed by Avas skills.
"Your turn."her Dad said and I went first.

The rest of the training was mostly how to find good hiding spots and how to decide if the knives should be used or not, considering they could be gone when thrown at the wrong time. And then it was time to go back to the world my dad and I had lived in for so long. What we didn't know is that it already looked different. Darker.

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