Book 1~Chapter 19~Love Burns Brightly

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A few months later Zac and I had moved into our own house. It looked like a normal house from the outside, a cute porch in front, garden in the back, almost everything made out of wood, all the new houses looked a lot like ours.
What made ours so special was the cellar with tunnels leading directly to the new White House and to my fathers castle. It wasn't only for safety, it was also for being able to get there without people knowing. Also all my weapons were in our cellar.

And today, today was our wedding day. I didn't like it when it was all over the news, because people hated it, said I'd only bring bad into their world, but Zac helped me to not care about that anymore.
I was so nervous. Uncle Roger was taking care of my hair and actually did a great job.
I had a beautiful black lacy dress, with open shoulders but sleeves made out of lace. My long hair was wavy and half open, just so nothing falls into my face and goes on my nerves. My bouquet was made out of dark red roses and some dark green ivy leaves. My Makeup was simple just fake lashes, a little glittery nude eyeshadow, a little dark red blush, golden highlighter and dark red lipstick.
When I was ready Dad came up to me.
"You look stunning."he said and took me in a hug.
"You do too.. you all do by the way.."I said. Sage, Mikos, Tom, Roger and Dad were with me right now. They all had suits on and they could all wear them more often.
They all smiled at me. When I looked into the mirror I saw how brightly my eyes were shining. And then it was time to go get married.

With every step I got more nervous.
Then we were standing in front of the heavy wooden doors of the ball room of the Capitol. Never had I thought I would ever walk through these with everyone noticing it, but here I was. I took a deep breath. With Dad by my side, Roger and Tom behind us and Mikos and Sage behind them.
"Ready?"Dad asked and smiled down at me.
"Nope.. but I'll be fine.."I said and everyone giggled, then the doors opened.

I immediately looked at Zac and both our eyes were lighting up instantly. Nervously we smiled at each other. I was already about to cry when we arrived in the front.
"Take good care of her."Dad said to Zac.
"I will."he answered and took my hand.
We turned towards the President who was the one pronouncing us husband and wife.
He motioned for everyone to sit down.
"We came here today, to be present at a ceremony of love, where seemingly the Good and the Bad is getting united. But let me tell you, even though we live in different worlds, we're not that different from each other. I had to learn that, too. When a War was taking over our country and the only help I could get was the help of the Sinfloyd pack.
I learned shortly after we met, that Miss Ava Sinfloyd isn't as bad of a person, that her family and companions are rather friendly and, believe it or not, pretty funny.."
"Hell yeah!"Sage screamed.
"Whoo."Tom screamed and everyone laughed.
"And also I learned that the most feared man in our country had the same worries I did. He was scared of losing his daughter just as much as I was scared of losing my son. And what let us connect even more was that we had lost our loved wives. Two women that didn't deserve to die so early and not see this beautiful day.
And I'm sure your mothers are watching from up there right now and sending all their love for you."
Zac squeezed my hand and I squeezed back, laying my head on his shoulder.
"This day is a historical day.
Because with this wedding, we're not only showing, that love knows no boundaries, and that there's always something good, even in the bad.. it's also uniting our two worlds.. so let's all try to find unity in our diversity.
Now please stand up."

Everyone stood up. Zac and I turned towards each other and held each others hands.
"Ava Sinfloyd, will you love and cherish the man in front of you? Through the good and the bad in bright and in dark times? Will you share laughs and tears? Will you share your life with the man in front of you?"
"Yes.. i will." I smiled at Zac.
"Zac Brent, will you love and cherish the woman in front of you? Through the good and the bad in bright and in dark times? Will you share laughs and tears? Will you share your life with the woman in front of you?'
"Yes, i will."Zac said.
"You may exchange the rings now."
Mikos was who gave us the rings.
Gold rings, mine had a black sapphire on it.
We put on the rings and my heart suddenly beat faster.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride."John said and we kissed.
"I love you."Zac said when we stopped kissing.
"I love you more."I said. The cheering of our family and friends in the background, we kissed again.

Later, when the moon was already up and people were dancing, I found Zac on the balcony. Even outside people were dancing. It was the first Event since the War. The first time people were really able to forget about all that for one day.
Zac looked out to the people.
"Already tired of me?"I asked while I walked up to him. He turned around smiling at me.
"Never."he said when he was finally able to put his hands on my hips and hold me close. We looked deep into each others eyes.
"You're a Sinfloyd now."I said, and yes, he had taken my name.
"I know.. and I wouldn't have it any other way."he said and we kissed.
For a while we just stood there, holding each other close. Excited for what's to come for us.

The Good And The Bad ~ A Fantasy Story by Dogspaulina99Where stories live. Discover now