Book 1~Chapter 8~The Beginning

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Three peaceful days went by. We were just talking about how to go on from now, when an alarm went off.
"What's that?"Dad asked.
"We're under attack! To the safe room! Now!"Zac said and while we were running there were loud shots and somewhere near something exploded. When we were in the safe room everyone tried to catch their breath.
"Dad, what do we do?"I asked.
"We need to get out of this room and stop them. Ava get yourself armed up, take Zac with you. I'll take care of John(the President). Everyone else is safer to stay in here for now."Dad said and that's what we did. Even though a lot of windows were broken and one part of the roof had come down, Zac and I made our way to my room and I armed myself with as much as possible, I took my backpack, put my bodysuit more guns and knives in it and then Zac and I were out of the house. There was total chaos on the streets. We hid behind a wall near the stairs. I tried to come up with a plan.
I saw helicopters flying over us.
I took my phone and contacted my father.
"Are you outside yet?"he asked.
"Yes, we need to take out the helicopters." I said.
"Let's do it."Dad said and we started firing at the helicopters with our guns.
"You think that'll work?"Zac asked.
In that moment the first helicopter exploded.
"Ask that again?"I said towards Zac and kept firing at the next helicopter.
"They know where we are. Let's get off the property as far as we can and without them seeing us."I heard Dad.
I remembered a secret passage from the stairs to a tunnel that lead off the property.
"Zac! The tunnel off the property, how do we get there?"
"This way."he said and I followed him.

And soon we were in the tunnel, only a dampened sound of what was happening outside was hearable in the tunnel.
"Dad? We're in the tunnel off the property. Where are you?"I asked but nothing came back.
"Dad? Dad!" I started panicking.
"Hey.. hey.. we'll find them.. it's going to be alright.." Zac took me in his arms.
"Hey.. look at me.. your Dad is the most feared person in all of America, he'll be ok.."he kept talking and made me look at him.
"Ava? Are you alright?"I heard my fathers voice through my phone.
"I am now."I said relieved.
"We're off the property where the tunnel of the secret passage ends. Where are you?"
"In the tunnel. We're maybe two minutes away from you."I said.
"Ok, we found cover, we'll wait for you."
When I wanted to start running again Zac held me back, pushed me against the wall and kissed me. It confused me but it was so good.
"Just wanted to get that off my list, before we face our dads and who knows what out there."he almost whispered.
I gave him another quick kiss on the lips.
"Let's get out of here."I said and we ran to the end of the tunnel. Once out of the tunnel, our dads and we reunited and took cover.
"What's the plan now?"Zac asked.
"The helicopters are still watching the house, they must think we're still there. We'll go to where we live, that's probably the safest thing to do right now."Dad explained.
"We'll run to my car and get out of here."he went on and that's what we did. Once we were out of earshot of the shots and explosions everyone took a deep breath.

An hour and a half later we were driving through the Dark Forest towards home.
"It's.. pretty dark here.." John said.
"You'll adapt to it.. until then try to use as little light as possible.."Dad said.
"In our home there'll be four men waiting. My brother Roger, his son Tom and Sage and Mikos.. they won't like that we brought you here but we'll handle them."Dad explained.
"Don't make them sound so dangerous, they won't do anything unless my Dad tells them to."I said.

At home we were greeted by Roger first.
"Change of plans?"he asked.
"They attacked the White House, this is the safest place to make a new plan."Dad explained.
"Ava! Are you okay?"Mikos was suddenly holding me in his arms.
"I'm fine.. we just needed to get out of there.."I said and Mikos noticed Zac and his father.
"What are they doing here?"he asked, not being happy about it.
"We said we'd help them, that's why they're here now."Dad said and stepped between me and Mikos.
"What if they spy on us?"Mikos asked.
"They're not."
"Says who?"Mikos was getting angrier with every word.
"I do.. go take a cold shower.."Dad sent him away.

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