Book 1~Chapter 7~Clouds

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The moon was shining onto me through the window and once again I saw my eyes light up in my reflection. Why do they have to betray me like that?
"I didn't mean to hurt you.. I guess I just haven't fully healed from my moms death either.."
"You won't... it hurts and it will keep hurting, the days you think about it just get less.."
"Your eyes.."
"They light up when I'm sad, it's normal.. nothing to worry about.." I said , drying up the tears on my cheeks.
"They're beautiful...."Zac said while putting a few strands of hair out of my face. Then he took me in his arms. He smelled so good, like something I've never smelled before.
"I should go to bed.." I said and just left.

I didn't sleep well that night but I got to know the sounds the house makes at night, which is good if there's ever something going on at night.
I decided to take a bath first and honestly, that was the best decision yet. After the bath I got ready and went downstairs, where I found Dad and Zac in the kitchen.
"What are you doing dad?"I asked not trusting the fact that he's been alone with Zac for a while.
"Nothing.. helping to make breakfast, your favorite: Pancakes.."he said and went to the dining room with a plate full of pancakes.
"Did you sleep well?"Zac asked.
"Not really.. but where I come from we luckily don't need much sleep."I answered.
We smiled at each other, then went to have breakfast.
"If this is what our days look like now, I think I might've used the term ^war^ wrong."Dad said while looking at the food in front of him.

"The President! He's not doing well! He can't breathe!"an older lady came into the room. Zac immediately stood up and went towards his Dads room. Dad and I looked at each other. That was how it started when mom got poisoned.
Dad went upstairs.
"No one touches any of the food, throw it away! And for those of you who want to try: it might be poisoned, so if you want to die, go ahead.."I said and went upstairs too.

When I came into the room Dad had the antidote already ready for the President to take. He always carried it with him in case there was another attack like this.
"What's he giving him?"Zac asked.
"The antidote we didn't have for my mom.."I said and for a second he looked at me. He probably watched my eyes lighting up a few times because I was trying to outplay my feelings.
"He should be better within the day. Get rid of all the food and drinks in this house, the poison could be in anything."Dad said and left the room. I went after him. His bright green eyes were shining at me when he saw me.
"We're supposed to be the bad ones here.."he said with a shaky voice.
"Oh, Dad.."I ran up to him and we hugged and here it was, the second time of my life I had seen my father cry.

When he had calmed down we went back into the living room, where Zac was waiting.
"Dad is sleeping now.."he said.
"Your father will be fine by tomorrow."Dad said and I heard the hurt in his voice. The hurt that he felt because he couldn't tell me that about mom back then. I took his hand.
"Thank you."Zac said and Dad nodded at him.
"So, now that breakfast is off the list, what do we do?"Dad asked.
"I should probably show you all the ways around and within the house. There's secret passages too."Zac said.
"Now that sounds like fun. Go along young fella."
"Dad!"I said but I couldn't hide the laugh.
And so we followed Zac, inside and outside the White House.. and back in.. and out.. and in and so on.

It took the whole day actually. But it's good to know our ways around here.
It was already dark outside when I opened the window of the corridor and sat down in the frame of it, staring at the clouds moving at the night sky. When I was younger my mom used to tell me stories while we were watching the clouds when I couldn't sleep. I heard a door behind me. Zac came out of his fathers room.
"How is he?"I asked.
"Still tired but better.." he said and came over to lean on the frame next to me.
"You're thinking about your mom right now, aren't you?"he asked and I simply nodded.
"My Dad found the antidote months after her death, since then he's been carrying it with him at all times.."I explained.

The Good And The Bad ~ A Fantasy Story by Dogspaulina99Where stories live. Discover now