Book 1~Chapter 3~Stop the Alarm

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After long nights we had agreed that everyone would come with me to the ball. And I did feel safer knowing my Dad would be there.
I put one of my black dresses and High Heels on and armed from head to toe we arrived at the Capitol. We marched through the corridors then entered the ball room and scattered. Within the first seconds I saw one of the younger vampires. I knew him because we actually used to play with each other as kids. Back then we and the Vampires worked together. I was so concentrated on him that I ran into someone.
"Woah.. sorry.."I said.
"It's ok.. I'm fine.."it was him, the son of the President, he was straightening his tie while looking into my eyes.
"You again. Who are you again?"he asked.
"Ava.."I said, saying the Sinfloyd would only lead to him thinking I'm crazy. Also what we don't want right now is commotion.
"Ava, that's a beautiful name..I'm Zac"
"Yeah.. I have to talk to someone.." I said and left, this already took too much time.
I searched for my father and when I found him he nodded at me, which meant, I'll go get the ring right now.

I snuck out of the ball room and through the corridors I went to the door I needed to pass. Another corridor, a whole bunch of stairs and a pretty dark passage later, I was right in front of the ring and to my own surprise all I needed to do was taking it.
"Now I know where I heard your name before."I heard Zac behind me.
I turned around, my fingers grazing one of the knives on my hips.
"You're the Dark Princess."
"The what now?"
"Ava Sinfloyd, the media calls you the Dark Princess."he explained.
"So? Shouldn't you call security or something?"I asked.
"I probably should, but I imagine that would mean you'd run away..."
"So what now?"
"Tell me, was it you that stole the ring the first time?"he asked
"Why would I tell you that?"
"I don't know, maybe because you're attempting to steal the actual ring right now?"
"You just answered your own question."
Suddenly his phone rang.

"The alarm went off.."he said, took my hand and brought me to a different door.
"Go. Get out of here!"
"You're letting me go? Just like that?"
"Don't ask questions. Run!"he said and so I ran.
Why did he do that? He knew I had the ring in my hand.
I contacted Dad:
"I'm outside. You all need to get out here."I said as soon as he picked up.
"On our way. Get to your car and drive home!"he seemed worried.
"Why are you so scared? You set the alarm off.."
"No, I didn't.. none of us did.. I'll see you at home."and the call ended.
I found my car and started driving, but instead of directly going home I drove by the spots where the others had their cars parked. Roger and Sage were still there but in their cars, Mikos was running towards his car. Tom was with my Dad. As soon as I saw they were on their way I started driving towards home.

My phone rang. I put it on speaker and listened to what I expected.
"Why did you do that? I told you to go home!"
"I know! But I couldn't leave without knowing you were safe!"
"You have no idea how dangerous that was. The vampires were there and Roger said he saw at least one of the wolfs, if they had caught you.."
"But they didn't! I'm fine dad and I have what we needed."
"You got the ring?"
Silence. I knew Dad was just relieved the chase was over. As long as we have the ring, everything's fine.
"I'll see you at home."he said, his words sounding like he lost tons of weight off his shoulders.
"See you there."

I was the first coming back home. I got out of my car and leaned against it, with the ring in my hand. My eyes lit up and made the foggy darkness seem bright.
Then Sage and Mikos drove through the gate.
"Are you alright?"Mikos was immediately in front of me and took me in his arms.
"I'm fine."I said and he let go.
Then Tom, Roger and my dad were back too. The gate closed and Dad came to me and took me in his arms.
"Here.."I said, stepped out of the hug and held out the ring to him.
"You got it?"Roger asked.
I nodded towards him.
Dad took my chin in his hand and made me look into his eyes.
"It's yours. It guarantees your freedom so you should decide what we'll do with it."he said.
"Can we burn it or something?"I asked.
Dad giggled.
"I don't know but we'll figure it out."he said.

The Good And The Bad ~ A Fantasy Story by Dogspaulina99Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora