Chapter 2: Don't Tell Her!

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I stared at them for just a few moments as I watched them rolling around on top of each other. I made sure that I did not see any claws out at the same time as well. I knew that my sister got on the nerves of my brother on purpose, and it often ended up getting him in a whole lot of trouble.
All 3 of us were smart in our own right. I was smart because I knew when to step in, and to stop the both of them from getting a little too serious. I also knew a lot of things that they did not as well. I made sure that I was always listening when I heard my grand parents stories, mean while the both of them were always messing around.
My brother was also very smart as well, but he often got the anger that he built up inside, get the best of him in the end, and my sister was smart, in a bit of an evil way, because she knew how to hurt us, and get us to start fighting her... She never listened to our grand parents when they told us their stories.
I knew that it did not make my grand father all too happy when they saw that they were not taking it serious. Luckily my grandmother, Brokenfoot, was always there to calm him down at the sane time as well. I closed my eyes as I thought about one of the last times we had together, before they got sick, and passed away.

I looked at my brother and sister, as I saw them rolling on top of each other, as they always did, trying to see who was the superior cat. It was usually my brother who won in those regards as well. I did not want to tell my sister that she had no chance though, as I knew that she would just start attacking me for some reason.
I turned my head over to my grand father, as I could tell he was getting a bit old, and he was coughing his lungs out as well. I was a bit scared for him, and my grand mother I had not seen for days, due to the fact that she had not been feeling good at all, and she had just been sleeping.
He coughed a few more times, and then he turned his head back over to all of us, as he smiled at each of us at the same time as well. He then nodded to get my brother and sisters attention on him at the same time as well. They stopped playing around, as they nodded to let him know that they were listened to what it was that he had to say.
I nodded back to him at the same time as well, though I knew that he already knew that I had already been paying attention to him, and already had me ears open, to hear what it was that he had to say to us. After a few moments of silence, he finally decided to speak at the same time as well.
"You guys are now 3 moons old... Me and Brokenfoot are sick, and we are not sure how much time we have left, but we are going to leave you with this one last final message." He said to all of us. Both my brother, and my sister looked quite a bit surprised.
I wondered how they could be though, as they had seen Pintclaw coughing his lungs out, and they had not seen Brokenfoot in several days. I closed my eyes at the same time as well, as I wanted to push it off, and tell myself that none of it could be true.
They were old, but they were not that old, surely right? It scared me, and it hurt me at the same time as well too, as I wish there were some kind of thing that I could do to save them. I knew that there was nothing, and I knew that we had to take these final days with them seriously.
I shivered for just a few moments at the same time as well, as I knew that it was leaf bare, and that it was cold outside, but we had never really been outside, we were in the house right now. Unless one of the twolegs had opened up the door.
It was too cold for that, all that really did was bring in a small bit of chilly air into the room. I shook my head, as it was far too cold for it to be normal. I opened my eyes to see what it could be, but then I realized that I was no longer in the room with my brother and my sister.
I began to freak out, as I looked around me. I saw that white stuff all around me in the air, and much larger chunks of it all over to ground. I moved around, a bit freaked out, and quite a bit scared at the same time as well, as I wondered where I was at, and how I had even gotten here.
I felt the pieces of that white stuff, that our mother had told us, was some thing called snow, as it gently fell on to my body. It was a bit chilly, but it also felt kind of nice at the same time as well, as for some reason I suddenly decided to put my tongue out, and let one of the pieces of snow fall on me.
It was very cold on my tongue, but after a few more moments, my tongue then got used to it. The snow for some reason then turned into water after just a few more moments. It tasted so good too though, as I waited for a little bit more to come.
Suddenly I heard a bit of a quite noise from behind me, as I saw a small little cat, just a slight bit bigger than I was. I looked at the cat for a few moments, as it seemed a bit familiar to me, but I could not quite piece it together, as to what cat it could be.
I got a bit closer, as the snow begin to go away at the same time as well, as the cat then suddenly realized that I was there with it. It looked at me for a few moments, but to my surprise, it looked a bit scared, as it moved back, away from me at the same time.
I looked at it a bit confused as to what it was that it could be so scared of. I stared at her for just a few moments, as I then realized who the cat was that was in front of me. It was me... It was just a bit of a bigger version of me, like it might be from the future.
Was it scared because it saw me? I stared at it for a few moments, as it did not seem real at all to me. I stood there for just a few more moments, as I saw its eyes then look away from me, as it then turned its head over to a completely different direction.
I looked a bit confused at myself for just a few moments, and then I turned my head over to where it was that I could be looking at. The vision that I was in all of the sudden began to get a slight bit more clear, as I realized that I was in some strange place out in the woods.
I was a slight bit more confused, as I knew that my mother had always told me to never go out there. Had I gone out there, thinking that it might be a good idea? I could tell that I was very scared, and I was not sure what to do.
I wanted to feel bad for me, but at the same time, I knew that I could not, because if I was really out here, than it meant that I had not listened to a single word of what my mother had told me, I then began to get a bit angry at myself as I was about to speak to myself, until I heard another cat speak.
I turned my head over to where it was that I had heard the cat speak. I squinted my eyes at the cat as well, as I was a bit upset at the cat for speaking over me as well. I saw that it was a bit of a strange looking cat, almost as if it were see through.
I saw that it had these weird looking bright spots on it as well, and I was even more confused than I had been before. I left my ears open, as I made sure to listen to what it was that the cat had to say to my future self anyways.
"Do not be scared Limp... You will be safe, you will find somewhere safe..." The cat said to me, but not my current me, but my future me. I was so lost at the moment, I was not sure if I was going crazy, or if any of this could possibly be real.
My future self looked at the cat that had just spoken to her for just a few moments, as it suddenly turned its eyes over to me for some reason, and then it squinted its eyes at me, as I moved back a bit surprised, as I wondered if it might have seen me.
It then turned its head back over to the cat that had just spoken to it, and then it squinted its eyes at the cat as well. I was really lost at the moment now, and I had no clue as to what it was that could be going on. I listened to myself however, as it was a bit strange to say that, as I finally decided to speak up to the cat.
"Who- Who are you? Have you come to save me? To take me to a two leg place?" I said to the cat. I then realized that my theory had in fact been correct, as I now knew that I had ran away from my home for some stupid reason. I shook my head at myself, as I was not too sure what had made me do that.
I then turned my head over to the cat that I had been speaking to at the same time as well, as I saw that cat suddenly decide to squint its eyes at me at the same time too. It then shook its head at me, just as I had done a few moments ago.
I stood still, as I was starting to get a bit scared at the same time as well. I wondered what was going on, and why I was here, I just want to go back to my brother and my sister so badly. Maybe this was some sort of dream that tried to tell me that no matter how rough things seemed to get between them 2, I should not run away.
It did not make sense though, I had never thought about running away, so why was I having this strange dream? I turned my head over to the cat I was with, as I heard him finally begin to speak to my future self, and I listened to what it was that it had to say to me as well.
"Limp... You do not need to worry about that now, they are almost here... Just stay alive..." The cat said to me. I stared at it for a few moments, as I was so lost, and I had no clue as to what it was that was going on. I just stared at the cat for a few moments.
The cat then turned its head to my current self, as it was a lot more different than my future me was. It had its eyes locked right on to mine for some odd reason, and unlike my future self, I could tell that it could clearly see me as well.
The cat stared at me for just a few moments, as I was now beginning to get a bit scared at the same time as well. I looked back, as I thought about running from what was going on, but as I turned my head back to the cat, I saw it wink 1 of its eyes at me.
I stared at it a bit confused for just a few moments, as I turned my eyes over to my future me 1 more time, to see if I even knew what was going on. It did not seem to be the case however, as I saw that I just had my head down low to the ground.
I felt like I should say something to me, to let me know that I was here with it, and that things were going to be okay. I looked at myself for just a few moments longer, as I finally began to step up and speak to myself. But just as I began to speak, all of the sudden, everything just became dark.

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