Chapter 20: We Are Here

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2 cats stood by each other, staring at a bunch of dirty kits, that were huddled up in a ditch. The looked at the kits with sad looks on their faces, as they both knew that they were about to have to go through a lot of trials, and torment very soon from now.
What that might be, they had not the slightest clue. It was told through destiny, and the least that they knew, was that their time was near. The cats were worried for the kits, but there was one kit in particular, that they were most worried about.
The kit with the mangled foot, that looked as if it had been torn open by perhaps a dog, or some other mean type of animal. They knew that to not be true however, as the poor kit had been born with that condition. But, that was not where these cats brains were at, at the current moment in time.
The cats looked at one another for a little while longer, as they were not sure what to do, or what to say either. It was just dead silence in the open air that they were in right now. The wind was blowing, making things feel, a lot more cold, so to say, and a lot more scary as well.
One of the cats eventually managed to lift its head up, as he knew that he could not go in to this with a negative mind set. He had learned that before he had made it to the life that he was in right now. He had tried to teach his kin the same thing as well, before he got to this point.
At first he had thought that he had done a fairly good job, as the clans were doing good, and they were safe for a very long time, besides the occasional fights, and skirmishes that went along with the clans. That was normal for them though, as it felt like they had been doing that since the beginning of time.
When was the beginning of time for the clans? The ginger cat stared in front of him, as he was not even quite sure as to when it was. He had tried to speak to the cat that had started the clans up in the first place, but he seemed to get no sort of response from the cat at all. At least, more like a response that helped him at all.
The cat, just liked the rest of the cats that were in star clan, just seemed to feel empty, like he was just fading away, like many of the other cats. They were fading away faster than ever before as well, as the clans were no longer a real thing any more. There were still a few remaining cats, most of them not an actual part of the original clans.
They mostly went off of the stories, but they did not really believe in star clan all that much, as it seemed like more of a myth to them, and like cool stories that they would one day tell to their own kits when the time came. Those stories were the only thing that was still holding on to star clan, as, with out those stories, than they would have just all disappeared.
They knew the time was now, and they had to do it soon, before the last of the cats remaining from the clans, was no longer alive. He was not all that far away from these kits in fact, as he might be, maybe a day or twos walk away from where these kits were, huddled up in a ditch right now, using each other to stay warm.
Firestar looked behind him, in the distance, as if he could almost see where that cat was at right now. He knew that if Squirrelflights part did not work out, than this was the last hope that the clans had. He knew that he had to stay positive though, as he looked at the up side of both of them meeting each other, and bringing the clans back to a new life.
He let out a bit of a sigh at the same time as well though, as he was not even sure if he could ever get to this young kit that was in the small little ditch at the moment. She did not believe in the star clan cats, but the cat that Squirrelflight was talking to, some how managed to believe in them, even though his side of the family never was in the clans.
It was all just confusing to him, and it hurt his head quite a bit, as he turned his focus on the kits that were in front of him, and also to the other cat that was with him as well. It was his grand son, Jayfeather, as he knew that he was a strong, and a very smart cat that could help him a lot.
Jayfeather seemed to notice that Firestar was looking at him, though he had not actually seen Firestar do so. He was used to living a life where he could not see, so he used other parts of his mind, and his body, to see things in cats, that most others could not see.
It had its benefits, but at the same time, it hurt him a lot, as he seemed to know a lot more dark, and evil stuff about cats, that he wished he would have never known about. He was with Firestar though, as he was not worried about this cat, as he had known him for a very long time, even before the days of living with him in Starclan.
He trusted this cat with a lot, and he was glad to know that Firestar felt the same as he did, for him. Jayfeather turned his head over to Firestar, as he looked at him for a few moments, blinking his eyes, to let Firestar know that he was paying attention to him, and that he knew that Firestar had wanted to say some thing to him.
Firestar looked at Jayfeather, still a bit amazed at the fact that he had such great powers still. As he got over that, as he knew that he had more important things that his mind needed to be on at the exact moment. He shook his head, as he then too, blinked a few times, whilst keeping his eyes locked on Jayfeathers.
Jayfeather looked at him for a little while longer, as he wondered what it was, that Firestar was going to say to him, and if he actually was even going to say it or not. Firestar let out a bit of a soft sigh, as he nodded back to Jayfeather, as he then began to speak to him at the same time as well.
"I am worried for the kit... She is not a strong kit, and I do not know if she will ever get to see us... If Moon fails, than what will we do?" He said, putting all of his thoughts, and all of the stuff that he was so worried about, right down on the floor, so that Jayfeather understood what his thought process was.
Jayfeather looked at him for a little bit of time, as he felt like Firestar might have a fair point. He did not want to admit to it though, as he was a bit of a rough cat, that was always against what other cats had said to him, even in the life that he had begun, when he had gotten to Starclan.
Jayfeather stared at Firestar for a little bit longer, as it kind of hurt him, what he had just said, as he took in all of it, that Firestar had told him. He squinted his eyes at Firestar, and he let out a bit of a loud grumble at the same time too, as he began to speak right back to Firestar.
"Well... I trust Squirrelflight, so do not need to worry about that. She is your daughter, and she is a very strong cat as well... You do know that I was not a normal cat either right? Look what I turned in to... I believe that all of this will work out just fine." He said right back over to Firestar.
Firestar stared at the kit that was in front of him, in the ditch, as he was not quite sure if he believed what it was that Jayfeather had just said to him. He blinked a few times, as he then began to think through, what it was that Jayfeather had said to him in the first place.
He believed in his daughter, and he knew that he needed to trust in her. A lot of this was up to her, and this prophecy was mainly about her as well. He knew that things were going to end up being okay. Firestar closed his eyes for just a couple of moments, as he once again let out a bit of a soft sigh.
He also knew that Jayfeather was right with the 2nd part of what he had said, as he felt a bit upset, and a bit embarrassed by what it was that he had said to him, as he often seemed to forget that the life before now, Jayfeather was a blind cat, that could not see where he walked.
But he also knew that, Jayfeather was one of the most strong cats to ever live in the clans, just as he was, and on most days as well, Jayfeather could walk around just fine. He shook his head, as he then looked right back over to Jayfeather, as he nodded to him, as he began to apologize to him as well.
"I am sorry... I just..." He began to say to Jayfeather. Jayfeather turned his head over to Firestar, as he then squinted his eyes at him, at the same time too. It got Firestar a bit nervous, and a bit on edge, but he knew that he too, was a very strong cat, as he then continued to speak to Jayfeather. "You are right, and I know that things will go right... A prophecy has never failed me."
Jayfeather turned his head over to him, as he was a bit shocked by what it was that he had said to him, as he once again blinked a few times. He also knew that he was right as well, as Firestar was the cat that was the prophecy, and so was he. He then nodded in agreement to Firestar, as he smiled at him as well.
Firestar smiled right back at him, as well, as they both now knew that they were going to be alright. They both held relieved looks on their faces, as they continued to stare at the young kits that were huddled up close to one another, in a small little ditch that was in a big two leg place.

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