Chapter 23: In To The Woods

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We had been in this abandoned two leg place for a couple of days now. It was just down the road to Heros home, so that when my mother felt like it was time to go back, we could do so when ever we felt was safe. I shivered at the thought of it as well, as I had my eyes down to the ground.
At first, our mother had gone out and caught some prey for us, like a squirrel and a couple of mice, but that was no longer happening. It was not her fault either, as I looked over her, seeing that she had her eyes closed, and her head down low to the ground, almost as if she could be dead.
I closed my eyes at those thoughts, as I saw that she was breathing. She was not breathing good though, as she had been coughing a lot over the last few days, as well as the fact that it was hard for her to breath, and there was some times blood that came out of her coughs as well.
We had been eating dry food, that had been lift out in some dogs yards. It was nasty, as I never was fond of the fact that we ate a cats dry food, as it did not taste all that good to me. The dogs dry food was even worse to me, and it felt like we were playing with fire as well, when we went in to a yard that had a dog in it.
We did not have much of any other choice, as our mother was far too sick to go out and get prey for us. I was worried for her, as she had the same cough that Brokenfoot and Pintclaw had, shortly before they passed away. I could tell that my brother and sister realized the same thing as well.
I shivered at those thoughts, as I looked over at my mother, as a tear dropped from my eye. I was never as close to her as I was with her parents, but I knew that she was still a good mother, and she still loved us, as there would be no other reason that she would take us all this way, to live with her new mate, when we had a safe and happy place to stay at.
I looked over at Gift, as I also knew that it hurt her the most as well. She had her head to the ground, as her eyes were closed and she was fast asleep. I wish that I could do the same as her, but there was far too much on my mind at the current moment, for me to make it possible to do such as that.
At first, as well, Gift had been complaining about the fact that we had left a safe home, to go live in a beaten down abandoned two leg nest. I knew that it hurt Nifty as well, as she knew just as well as I did, that Gift was in fact right, in this very situation.
Gift was not doing it any more, as she was just as worried for our mother, as the rest of us. I was glad for it as well, as even if I knew that Gift was right, our mother did not need to be reminded of the bad decision that she had made, especially at a time such as this one.
I felt sick, but a different kind of sick, that was not like the one that Nifty had at the moment. I just felt empty, as I felt as if I should just give up. I knew that there was plenty to live for, and I had a whole life ahead of me, but it just felt like it was all over, and that it had just all gone so bad.
I blinked a few times, as I looked over at my brother, at the same time too, as I saw that he, much as I did at the moment, had his eyes wide open, as he continued to stare at our mother. It was clear that he was worried for her, such as I, as I knew that he used to get in a lot of bad fights with her.
He still loved her though, as she was our mother, and she had only wished the best for all of us. Even with, some of the things that she had said to me, or said about me in the past, I still did love her. I was not sure what it was that we could ever do, if we did not have her by our side.
If she was to pass away, than where was it that we could go to? We could try to go to Hero's place, but it was very unlikely that he would let us in. He was in love with our mother, not with us. I was not sure if I even wanted to go in there any ways, as I knew he was sick, just like our mother.
I was quite a bit sure that was where she had got it from as well. I was not sure what it was that we would do if that came to pass, as I did not even want to think about the fact that she could die, and we would be left out to die alone on the streets, as small little kits.
We could try to go back to Nut, but I still was not all that sure if we would even be able to find where he was at. It had taken us a long time to get to this place, as it had been nearly 2 days of walking, and we were not paying any sort of attention to the fact of where we were going in the first place.
I shook my head, as I knew that I could not think negative on the fact that our mother might die. I knew that Pintclaw and Brokenfoot were both a lot older, so it made sense as to why they would pass away from a disease such as that. Our mother was much younger, and it seemed like she was in her prime right now.
I had to think with the thoughts that she would be fine, and that it would all end up being okay. I nodded to my self, at the same time too, as I was glad that I was in fact thinking in that kind of way. I let out a bit of a sad smile, as I then saw that Pike had turned his head over to me.
I moved back a little, as I felt like he was going to have the wrong thought on why it could be that I was smiling. I looked at him for a few moments, as I saw him smile right back at me, with a bit of a sad smile, such as I had just had a few moments ago as well.
We stared at each other for a little bit longer, as it almost seemed like we were reading in to each others thoughts and soul. After a bit longer though, my brother then nodded to me, as he began to speak to me at the same time as well. I nodded back to him, as I listened to what it was that he had to say to me.
"We should get some sleep... We have to get up early, before the dog gets out in to the yard." He said to me. I looked at him for a few moments, as I then nodded, as I realized that he was right at the same time as well. I also knew that he had a bit of a different reason as to why he had said that in the first place too.
It was because we needed to clear out our train of thoughts, and the best way to do that, was to just fall asleep. Who knows... We might even wake up in the morning, to see Nifty up on her feet, with a big smile on her face, ready to start a good, and fun day for the rest of us.
I was fairly certain that was not the case at all though, as I knew that she had gotten worse and worse over the last few days. At the same time too, I had a vague memory of what Brokenfoot had once said to me, as it had gone along the lines of, 'A cat gets rid of its sickness, right after it goes through its worst parts.'
It sure did seem like our mother was going through her worst parts as well, as I saw a lot of blood on the ground, as if she had got a really bad cut. I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I did my best to just shut out all of those thoughts that were in my head, at the exact same time as well.
I so badly wanted to get close to my mother, and hold her for a bit of time, but I also knew that she had told us to stay away from her, as she did not want us to get sick like her. She had a bit of a fair point, as I knew that she was right, but it still kind of hurt me that she did not want us to get near her.
I shook off all of those thoughts, as I realized just how late it was in the first place, as I looked up in the sky, as I saw the stars flickering a little bit. I tilted my head, as I was a bit confused at the same time too. As weird as it was for me to say, it almost felt like the stars were trying to convey a message to me.
I felt like a bit of an idiot at the same time as well though, as I then looked away from the sky, and I closed my eyes. I did not realize how tired I even was, and I also knew that if our mother was still sick, than we had to get up early, so that we could get some dry dog food, before it was too late.
I dipped my head a bit low to the ground, as I moved my self close to Gift, which still felt a bit strange to me, but at the same time, I also knew that we needed each other in a time such as this. After I held on to her for a bit longer, and we warmed each other up, as I heard a loud purr come from her, I then fell in to a deep sleep.

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