Chapter 17: Hide

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It was a chilly evening, the kits had set aside their differences, as they realized just how important being a part of a family at a time like this, actually was to them. They walked close by each other, often rubbing up against one another, to warm themselves up a little bit.
All the while, they had their heads down most of the day as well, due to the fact that they were thinking about the life they had, just the day before, and how they were never going to get to go back to that life. As sad as it was to say, one of the kits in particular, realized that this was a part of growing up, and it was now that time.
The young kit, was walking a bit slower than the rest of her kin, and she often stumbled with where it was that she walked at, she did her best to not let that get her angry, as there were a lot of things that lit off a bit or a spark in her.
She had gotten used to it at this point though, as she knew that she was the weakest of the litter, and she did not do anything to say otherwise. Her brother, looked over at her, with a bit of a sad look on his face, as he felt quite a bit bad, for both of his sisters.
He knew how close his sister, Gift, was to Nut, and he felt it had been a bit low of Nut to just leave them, without at least saying goodbye. He felt that maybe he had just let them in to his home, and tried to act nice to them, to look good for their mother, as he had made it clear that he had been in love with her, for quite a bit of some time.
It hurt him as well, as he felt like he had been close to Nut as well, but his mind was in a bit of a different place at the moment. He had spent most of the day, looking around to the surroundings that had been with him. He was a bit excited for that the future had in store for him and his sisters.
Limp did not have much emotion at the moment at all, though she felt as if she had seen this coming for quite a bit of some time. She knew that her mother was not in love with Nut, and she also knew that she would go and find another cat to fall in love with.
It was more a bit of a surprise to her, that their mother had actually decided to take them with her, rather than just leave them at the home with Nut. She felt that maybe, her mother might have known something about Nut all along, that she had not let out in to the air.
She still felt a bit bad for Nut, but it still did hurt her, not the fact that Nut had not said goodbye to her, but more that he had not at least done it for her brother and her sister, as she, and both Nut as well, knew just how much the kits cared about him.
Though it felt a bit bad of her to think the way she was, she felt as if she was a bit happy to see Gift the way she was, but not due to the fact that Gift was always such a mean sister to her, but it was more the fact that Gift had some what managed to let out a bit of her emotions that she sometimes did not seem to have at all.
Limp, a bit like her brother, felt a bit of some excitement now, to see what life was going to be like. She hoped that their mother would let them out, and see the wild. She did not seem to be too upset, much to the surprise of Limp, that their mother had found out that they had actually gone out of the house, to see what it was like.
She knew that her brother, and her sister were excited to see it as well, but she was not sure if they too, much like her, wanted to spend their lives out in the wild, like their grand parents had told them all about. She felt like, or rather, knew that they had just used to stories to fight and start a competition.
Limp let out a bit of a soft sigh, more to herself, as she was not sure how to handle all of this at the moment. It felt like it was all going so fast, but at the same time, she and her kin had plenty of time, to think this all through their heads through out the day.
But now, over to Gift, who was feeling quite a bit different than her brother and sister. She, much unlike the other 2, was not excited at all, for the future of the life they were about to have. All she could think about, was about the times and all of the memories that she had with Nut.
All of those were all just going to go away, like they had never happened in the first place. She also knew, that Pintclaw had told her, that as you got older, you often happened to forget a lot of the memories that you had, when you were much younger.
She did not want to forget about all of those however, and it hurt her a lot to think about that. What also hurt her a lot as well, was that she still could to grasp the reason that Nut had not at least stayed at the house to say goodbye to her and the others.
Surely he had not just forgotten what their mother had said to him, just the day before. He knew that they would be leaving the home, and it hurt her to think that he had purposely not said a simple, 'goodbye' to her. She was upset, but she was not angry, though it might seem as if she was.
All of the other cats, their mother included in to that, thought that she was in fact very angry, and Nifty, the mother, felt like she had a lot to do with that as well, as she was the one that had made the decision, in the end, that they were going to officially leave.
She had told them though, that it might happen at some point, so she felt as though Gift should have seen it coming at some point in tbe near future. Nifty closed her eyes, for just a couple of seconds as she felt quite a bit bad for her kits still.
She, too, let out a bit of a soft sigh, as she wished that she could at least tell them l about how nice, and how amazing the cat was, that they were about to be meeting. After all, that was the reason that she had fallen in love with him in the first place.
He was the perfect cat for her, and it filled the empty void in her soul, that she had been hoping to fill up for a lot of time. She had not felt this way about a cat, since she had fallen in love with the father of her kits. She stopped, as she kept her eyes closed, squeezing them a bit too hard as well.
He was different than that cat though, as it hurt her to think about him. She had been so in love with that cat, and the day after she had told him, that she was pregnant with his kits, he had all of the sudden gone missing, just like that.
There were so many different theories in her mind, as to where he might have gone, and what might have happened to him. She felt like, the likely story of what had happened, was that he had ran off, due to the fact that he could not handle the fact that he was going to be the father of her kits.
But that was the part that just did not make sense to her, was that he had been excited for the idea of having kits, and they had shared their ideas of what life was going to be like with them. As soon as she had told him about having kits though, the very next day, he had gone missing.
It might have been just bad timing, and she had gone to ask his friends, if they had seen him, but they had told her that they had no clue. She had been so worried for some time, that something might have happened to him, but she knew that even if it was so, it would have been nothing that she could have possibly controlled.
That was the reason that she was not close to her kits though, as she had developed in her brain, any time that she was around those kits, that those were the kits of the cat that had left her. She wanted to cry, but she held in all of those tears.
She knew that there was nothing for her to cry about, as she was in love with a much better cat, that would not leave her. She knew that this cat, would take care of her kits too, and once they had grown older, they would be in a safe place.
Then, at some point, they too would meet a cat of their own, that they might fall in love with, and they might make their own family with. That was the hope at least, but for now, she knew that she just needed to take all of this, one step at a time.

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