SS ┅ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙙

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It would be boring and cliche for me to just tell you that you and Ushiwaka got together in the future. I mean... wouldn't it be obvious. You're the main character of this book, after all. Instead of me doing the thinkable, I'll bring you through the journey. The journey of the revived, the strengthened, and the improved.




"The prize of revival is always more than the price. Learn this and stick with it."

~Author [me <3]




If you knew that it would be raining today, you would have tucked an umbrella into my purse...but you didn't.

The thunder sounded above you loudly as you ran across the busy street. Everyone around you was engulfed in an umbrella, some noticing you and understanding the struggle, as you ran with your bag above your head. Anyone in this situation would probably be a bit annoyed. Your hair was no longer in the neat do you had it in and you knew that it would be dripping down your neck until you got home to dry it off. However, a smile graced your face as you finally made it across, looking up at the building in front of you with a grin.

An electronic bill board lit up the grey sky as the banner for the Schweiden Alders greeted you. Your heart melted at the excited look on Kageyama's face as you remembered how he was when he first entered the club. You would've started tearing up if you didn't meet eyes with the image of Wakatoshi in that moment. He wasn't smiling and you scoffed playfully, but you knew him long enough to tell that with his eyes, there was a myriad of happiness and relief that he was feeling during that photo shoot.

You took a deep breath then, putting a wet strand of hair behind you ear-as if it really mattered- and walking into the building. The workers there waved at you politely, it's not the first time you'd forgotten to read the forecast. It was just a good thing you had on a black shirt and a coat instead of the white button-up you try to wear to look professional most of the time.

The walk up to the receptionist desk caused a trail of water to follow you and the receptionist laughed a bit.

"Miss y/n, when are you going to remember to check the forecast when you leave the house?" The lady in front of you was a young intern by the name of Haru. She was a sweetheart and probably the person you interacted with the most besides the team since you always had to ask her to let you know what floor they were on.

"Well, the sky was so sunny today that I didn't expect it to rain 5 minutes before I entered the building." You shook your head in embarrassment. This was a habit you really needed to break.

"They're in the gym today so go to floor 14. you know where the gym is already. I hope you have a good time! I'll see you later!" You waved to her as you walked to the elevator, greeting the people that came out and stepping in. A wave of gratitude washed over you as the doors closed with you being the only one in the elevator.

You glanced at the wrapped box in your hand, hoping the company you bought it from was telling the truth when they advertised it as waterproof. You see, you were here to bring Wakatoshi his lunch. How did you know that he didn't have his lunch with him? Well that's easy, it's because the two of you are roommates. And yes, you were just friends....for now.

The elevator doors opened as some people gave you strange looks at your soaking clothes and you smoothly turned the corner, peeking out as you entered the gym in case they were in the middle of working out. There was no one in the equipment area so you figured they must be in the gym actually practicing volleyball.

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