𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸

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"Eh?? What took you so long Ushiwaka-kun? Don't tell me your running speed is going down." A red-head came up to Ushijima, teasing him a bit as Ushijima's face didn't waver but his mind was swimming with thoughts and emotions. Was everyone at Karasuno like this? How annoying.

He scowled silently and the red head stopped smiling, a bit surprised. What exactly did happen out there. He looked towards the door and back at Ushijima. Whatever it was, perhaps he could find out later.

'They'll go to Nationals, huh... we'll see about that."


"(y/n)-san we're sorry!" Hinata and Kageyama bowed in front of me again as I crossed my arms and looked back at them. "You guys are always causing trouble with other schools and especially you Hinata!" I sighed as I noticed their tense faces and reached my arms out to help them up.

"Just be careful. You shouldn't wander around their by yourself." It was now dark and the rest of the team had waited for us to get back to make sure we were ok. "Alright! Everyone go home and get some rest, remember to prepare for the Joint Practice Games!" Daichi yelled out and everyone replied with a big "Yeah!" as they went their separate ways.

Since the sun was down, it was a little bit cooler than it had been here and I pulled my jacket tighter around me as I walked down the road. My mind was swimming with thoughts and my stomach had finally settled down. Nothing had even happened today so why....?

I wasn't used to feeling this way. Back in Junior high, I had never really been interested in anyone and as much as I hate to admit it now, no one was ever interested in me. I had a few friends but I spent most of my time alone or with the volleyball team so I didn't get to think about other things too much.

I leaned my head back and looked up at the sky. 'Ushijima' Is that what I was supposed to call him? Maybe he has a secret nickname that he prefers or maybe he didn't want me saying anything to him at all UGHHHH' I places my hands over my face as I walked and slapped my cheeks. A car drove past, illuminating my (s/c) skin as I walked down the road.

What exactly did I find interesting about him. This is simply an admiration through volleyball so why does my stomach...act like it's something more. Why does my heart skip a beat when I so much as look at him?

I had finally reached a small store not that far from my house and walked in cheerfully. "Good evening Saito-san!" The women at the counter looked up and smiled bright when she saw my face. The Saito family that works here is comprised of some of my mothers friends from high school so I come in here sometimes to get things.

"Ah (y/n)-chan. Welcome, are you here to pick up the latest copy of Volleyball Monthly?" I blushed and nodded, a bit ashamed since that's all I really buy nowadays besides food of course. She handed me the magazine, insisting that I keep it for free and I bowed graciously.

"I'll tell my mother you said hello! See you later!" She waved at me and smiled as I left the building which filled me with a sudden sense of sadness. My mom works at a big business company and she usually worked late so I didn't see her much at night. My dad was usually home but one of his friends was currently sick so he was staying in Korea for the time being.

I opened up the copy of the magazine and scoffed when the first thing I saw was Ushijima's perfect face. Of course that didn't stop the butterflies from dancing and I groaned.

My looking at the magazine meant that I had accidentally ignored a turn I was supposed to make and I didn't process it in time when I saw bright flashing lights headed my way. "H-huhhh??" I closed my eyes expecting an impact but instead I ended up on the floor. With someone on...top of...me?

"I'm- ah! Are you ok? I'm so sorry, i should've been paying more attention. Are you alright?" I brushed the person off and peered down as I saw 'Shiratorizawa' written across the back of their jacket. I sighed and stood up, helping the person to their feet. Them pushing me out the way meant that my magazine fell and the page with Ushijima was exposed on the floor making me flush.

"I see we meet again. Not trying to find any baby crows this time i see." My mind froze as I slowly peered up at the figure in front of me. 'I...I cant go on-!' My knees grew weak and my eyes teared up at he stood in front of me. "Ushiwaka-" I managed to squeeze out as the butterflies in my stomach greeted me with a horrible nauseous feeling.

"I- IM SO SORRY!" I bowed deeply and tried to steady my breathing. "I got your jacket all dirty and I promise it was a mistake, I didn't do it out of spite I was just reading the magazine and-!" I looked up to see him calmly looking down at me, waiting for me to finish. Sweet. "It's fine. I wasn't hurt either way so it really doesn't matter."

He looked me up and down and tilted his head. "You don't seem to be the same as when you picked up those two from my school earlier." I sweat dropped and nodded. I acted a bit more confident there than now, that's for sure.

He picked up the magazine and looked at the picture of him on the page, representing All Japan. "You...you're a very good player. But i'm sure you already know that." He nodded softly and I averted my eyes from him wondering what to do, what to say, ANYTHING.

"Thank you so much for saving me. I don't think the team would be happy if one of their managers turned into road kill. He nodded in agreement stretching a bit and I missed the small twinkle in his eye from the information he learned. He took his headphones out of his pocket.

"Well, Miss Manager. I'll see you soon perhaps. Watch out for cars from now on." I nodded slowly as he put the earbuds in and jogged away. I waved and waved and waved until he was out of sight. Then I collapse onto the sidewalk.

"I haven't talked to him that long before have I??? No wait it's my first time talking to him when we're alone anyway!" The butterflies in my stomach seemed to lighten up. My first platonic love.

"I-I've got is bad don't I..."

Authors note:
Hello my lovely people! I was super sleepy while I did this one so I apologize if it was a rush or anything, my head was a little dizzy so I couldn't rlly tell. Anyway, wait for the next chapter and thank you for the support! a bye bye

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