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We saw riders galloping towards the barracks as they got closer we realized it was Uhtred and Sihtric.  We both descended down the steps as fast as we could I almost tripped over, I ran out of the gate just as Uhtred dismounted his still moving horse. As soon as he reached me he wrapped me in his arms tightly, "I've missed you," he said. I said nothing and just hugged him to me. 

"I don't want to be parted again," I said into his shoulder. 

"We shan't, not anymore," he said. 

"Good," I replied as he let go and greeted Finan.

"You did a great job while I wasn't able to care for her, she looks like she is glowing," he said. 

"About that Uhtred," Finan began but I gave him the signal to be quiet. 

"Nothing, it's nothing," I said grabbing Uhtred by the hand and pulled him into the nearby alehouse. We sat down at a table and tried to avoid the crowds we always liked to hear each other. "So tell me what have I missed?" I asked. 

"They still want your head," he said and took an ale from Finan as he and Sihtric sat down opposite us. 

"They're not going to forgive you Fr..." I kicked Finans boot under the table, "warrior." 

"No, you wronged them," Sihtric reminded us. I nodded and ran a hand down the snout of the bone mask. 

"Couldn't you have told them I was dead?" I asked. 

"No," Uhtred said and shook his head. 

"They'd want proof," Finan said. 

"Great," I said and tapped my fingers against the table, Uhtred could sense my nervousness,  and Finan slid a mug of water into my hands. 

"Do you not like ale anymore? Finan, what have you done to him?" Uhtred joked. 

"I do, I just needed to keep my focus and wits about me," I lied and shrugged off his comment with a laugh as I took a sip. Uhtred rested a hand on my back, it was the little affection he could offer while we were in public. When we were finished at the alehouse we decided to walk through the village, a few of the inhabitants were keen to show Uhtred around. I plodded at the back fatigue seemed to be ever-present with me within the last few days. Finan hung at the back with me. 

"When are you going to tell him?" he asked. 

"When I can't hide it anymore," I whispered keeping my voice low. 

"Okay, but take care of yourself too," he said as he encouraged me to keep walking. When we stopped at the Blacksmiths Uhtred caught my eye. 

"You're not sick are you warrior?" he asked gently taking my hands in his. 

"I'm fine," I replied. 

"As long as you are," he nodded and carried on our tour around the town. Finan and Sihtric found it just as boring as I did, but we had to grin and bear it if we were to split off from Uhtred it would look bad on him. We endured a final few hours of ear pain before we saddling up to ride through the forests together, as we used to. 

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