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The day the little one came Uhtred was away in battle, it was only Aelswith and I. "Come on Freya, push!" she cried. 

"I can't," I cried throwing my head back onto the pillow, defeated.

"It's almost over," she said. "Come on, you're stronger than this!" She gripped my hand, "I know you're tired and I know you're worrying about Uhtred, but right now this little one is far more important." 

"I know," I said taking a deep breath in. 

"Just push as hard as you can," she said, I screamed at the top of my lungs and pushed as hard as I could, finally the little one was born and her cries filled the room. Aelswith wrapped her in a blanket and gave her to me, but I couldn't lift my arms I felt weak. Aelswiths face dropped, she handed the baby to one of her servants and rushed out crying for a healer, but by that time my eyes closed and I withdrew from consciousness. I saw all my men that had passed on. They slapped me on the back. 

"I am sorry you're here," one said. 

"Here?" I asked. They all looked at each other, I looked at the gates in front of me I was in Valhalla. 

"Come, drink," one of my men said and dragged me to the gates, but a forcefield prevented me from advancing. Before long I was dragged back to Midgard. My feeling slowly returned, a rough calloused hand gripped mine and my hearing was the last thing to return. He sobbed into my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I slowly turned my head to look at him, I didn't utter a word my strength was still absent all we could manage was looks. Aelswith rushed over to us. 

"You gave us a fright!" she exclaimed.  

"W...What happened?" I asked. 

"There was a complication with the birth, you wouldn't stop bleeding," she said, "but our healers have stabilised you now." 

"How's the little one?" I panicked, frantically looking around for her. 

"She's okay she's with Finan and Sihtric," Uhtred replied. "we figured you would want some peace and she wouldn't stop crying, I think she knew we almost lost you."

"I hope not," I replied, "did we win?" 

"No," Uhtred shook his head, "they lost too many, they have retreated and are probably licking their wounds." Aelswith soon returned with a cup of hot water, Uhtred gently lifted my head and helped me to drink it. 

"How long  since the battle ended?" I asked. 

"A few hours ago," he replied. 

"I've been out that long?!" I exclaimed. 

"Longer," Uhtred said. 

"Oh," I said placing my head back down. 

"Most important thing is, you're healed and all you need to do is rest," he said placing the cup down and stroking his fingers through my hair. "Until you can walk again I am not going to leave your side."

"Great," I sighed, "I won't be going anywhere any time soon."

"Don't be like that, just think of all the interesting conversations we can have," he chuckled and laid on the bed next to me being as gentle as he could be. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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