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Finan and I sat in front of a fire pit, I rubbed my hands together while Finan had his hands wrapped around a drinking horn. The flames lit his face dimly.  "What's on your mind?" he asked. 

"Nothing," I said stretching, clicking my spine. I looked up to the stars I wondered if Uhtred was doing the same. The moon was long clouded over. "I am tired, I need rest," I stood. 

"I will join you in slumber later," he said, I nodded and headed to my room. I collapsed on to the bed, the separation weighed heavy on me.  We hadn't been parted for this long before, my thoughts were interrupted by fatigue. I awoke to the sound of Finan's snoring, I got up just before the sun and stood in the cold morn air, my mask keeping my face warm. 

"Can't sleep?" An older man asked emerging from behind me. 

"Something like that," I said.  

"I must say I am honoured to be in the presence of such greatness," he said and tried to kneel. 

"Don't hurt yourself," I said and helped him to stand again. 

"You're too kind warrior," he said. I smiled under my mask and bathed in the rays of the sun. "Is it true you chose Uhtred of Bebbanburg as your companion?" 

"I did," I nodded. "He needs all the strength he can get." 

"He's a lucky man," he said and wandered back into the alehouse.  

"He is," I whispered to myself.  Finan joined me a few moments later stretching and yawning. 

"How are you fairing today Freya?" he asked. 

"I am not going to answer to that name while we're here," I said. 

"Okay warrior," he said. "Any sign of Sihtric?" 

"No," I shook my head, "he'll be here, I am hoping Uhtred will give us the all-clear soon." 

"All in good time, you just have to be patient Fre...warrior," he said.

"Better," I said turning my head to him ever so slightly.  

"Did you get any sleep last night?" he asked. 

"I did till you woke me up with your snoring," I said walking the barracks with Finan at my side. 

"I do not snore I enjoy my sleep, that's what it is," he said. 

"Yeah because that's what it is," I replied. We walked just a few metres away from the gate, we were stopped by a group of men. 

"It's the famous warrior with her companion," one man teased. 

"Let's not do this," I said. 

"Why not?" one asked. 

"We don't like Dane scum," another said. 

"Hey, I'd watch your mouth," Finan said pushing me behind him and pointing at the tallest of the men. 

"Or what?" he asked. 

"He will take your souls and send them to Valhalla," Finan said, all the men remained silent except for the smallest of the group. 

"H...He can really do that?" he asked. I nodded. 

"Yes, so I suggest you step aside," I growled. The men said no more and parted.  "Okay, this legend is a gift." We both laughed as we walked up the steps to the top of the barracks.  

"See, I told you it was," Finan said and slapped me on the back gently. 

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