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"Where is he?" A voice bellowed outside the gates. Uhtred and I ducked behind a bush we still had a full view of the unfolding events. "We are not going to leave until he shows himself!" one of Skopras men yelled.

"They're going to be waiting a long time," Uhtred chuckled. We waited till they set up camp and tried to sneak in, however, it wasn't that easy. Skorpas men approached us locking us in a circle. 

"Oh Lord Uhtred, The Dane Slayer," one mocked and knelt before him but not without a chuckle as he rose, his eyes roamed my figure. "Perhaps you could tell me why my messenger never came back to me." One of his men got too close for my liking and I tore my sword from its scabbard.

"Easy," Uhtred said and placed his arm in front of me.

"I propose a trade," another man said and gripped my arm tightly, "your woman for the warrior." 

"No!" Uhtred exclaimed.  

"It's already decided," one of the men said and attempted to drag me away but, I struck several men with my sword watering the ground with crimson.  It wasn't till one knocked me over the back of the head forcing me to my knees, my vision spun and I was dragged away from Uhtred. 

"I will give you seven days to bring the warrior to us or I will claim her as my own and I will kill her," he said and followed us back to the camp. I was chained down outside the leaders tent, a few men taunted and a few dared to lay a hand on me. 

"Enough!" Their leader exclaimed. It was Haesten. "Oh, we meet again, Uhtreds mate." He knelt down in front of me and locked his gaze with mine. "I am going to enjoy killing you if Uhtred doesn't bring the warrior to us." He kicked me in the stomach and walked back into his tent.  I bent over clutching my stomach, I curled up in the fetal position and did what I could to keep warm. Their two wolf dogs wandered over to me, sniffed my stomach and laid down next to me. I gently rested my hand on the back of one of the wolves. Whenever any man went to approach me the wolves would rise, hackles raised and growls erupted from their chests. 

"Even our own guard dogs betray us!" he exclaimed and walked away. The night was frigid and my animal skin had been taken away, I shivered for a few moments before one wolf laid into my chest and the other my back transferring their heat to me. They knew I carried a child and they were going to do everything to protect it. Two ravens also sat high above me. Odin compelled the wolves to watch over me.  Haetsen too was taken aback by the beasts, he tried to beat them away but they refused to leave. 

"Be careful who you beat Haesten, it will only come back to get its revenge you," I replied looking up at him while stroking the backs of the wolves, burying delicate fingers into their long thick fur. 

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