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That evening I stood by the waters edge, and listened to the waves wash in and out. I looked out at the horizon watching the sun say it's final goodbyes to the earth, my fists clenched. I would get revenge on the men who did this to me, my whole body still racked with pain. "Come, rest Freya. You're still not strong enough to support yourself," Finan said.

"You're right," I said turning to him slightly.

"Besides Uhtred misses you," he added, I walked back with an arm thrown over his shoulders. I collapsed down in front of the fire, before I could steady myself Uhtred pulled me into him. He kept me close, keeping me warm. He gently straightened my mask and pulled my hood over my head.

"Warrior, I hear you tried to save our home," Lady Aelswith said.

"I tried, failed," I sighed.

"But you tried, that was the main thing," Alfred said. He then turned to Iseult, "what happened to the girl who is recovering from her wounds, is she strong enough to join us?" Iseults eyes met mine, I gave her a subtle nod we had already spoken about this.

"My lord, I regret to tell you but she passed in the night," she said. I watched as Alfred paused and his eyes glittered.

"She did? What sad news," lady Aleswith said. Uhtred gently squeezed my shoulders, I rested my hand on his.

"We'll have to give her a burial," he said.

"No need, we already took care of it," Uhtred said.

"Can I pay my respects?" Alfred asked.

"Of course," I nodded, I looked up at Uhtred and rested a hand on his cheek, and he leant into it.

"We better be heading to sleep," Uhtred said.

"Yes," I said standing up and stretching whimpering a little.

"Take it easy," Finan said. Uhtred and I walked back to my tent, I slipped my mask off and laid down on the animal skins.

"You did turn my grave into that supposedly 'girl'?" I asked.

"Yes," Uhtred replied.

"Good," I said pulling his arms around me, he pulled me into his chest and gently kissed my neck. The warmth of the sun made its way through the tent and woke me up, I stirred slowly and turned to Uhtred.

"Good morning," he yawned leaning over and kissed me.

"Good morning," I said. I stretched and made my way out.

"Let me help you," Uhtred insisted.

"No," I said and slapped his hands away.

"Freya, you can barely walk on your own," he reminded me and handed my mask to me.

"I'm fine," I replied. I joined the others under their shelter and reluctantly took my bowl of medicine. Iseult watched me to make me sure I took every last drop, I had been known to just tip it on the floor.

"We need to return home," Alfred spoke up.

"You have no home," Uhtred said.

"Well we need to return to what is left," Alfred insisted.

"He has a point," I said placing the bowl down on the table.

"Who's side are you on?" He asked.

"Neither," I replied and sat down, my back began to hurt again. Finan joined us and began t9 rub my shoulders.

"Have you taken your medicine?" He asked.

"Medicine?!" Alfred exclaimed.

"Warrior are you sick?" Aleswith asked as she rushed over and knelt before me, she was about to remove my mask but I gently pulled her arm away and shook my head.

"It's just for the wound on her back that she sustained with her fight involving the brothers, a Dane played dirty," Uhtred covered for me. I nodded to him.

"When Iseult feels it's safe to return then we return," I said laying back and slumping in my chair.

"Warrior take it easy today, come sit by me and tell me what it was like to fight the brothers," Alfred said and patted the spot next to him.

"Alfred that offer is too kind but a kings ears should never bear the horrors of war," I replied.

"So be it," he said and dismissed us as he walked away with his wife.

"Shall we go for a walk?" Uhtred suggested and looked at both Finan and I.

"It's about time we see if she can walk on her own," Finan said.

"How about you suffer what I went through..." Uhtred cut me off.

"We know," he said and helped me off the chair, we walked down to the beach with both my arms rested around their shoulders. Every step was still agony for me, it seemed this medicine was destined to fail me as well. "Do you need us to stop?"

"No keep going," I said, we finally reached the beach and Uhtred stood a few metres away and told me to walk towards him, I felt like a child learning to walk all over again. Finan stayed at my side, I took a few steps unaided till I fell to my knees. I cried in frustration. "I am never going to heal!" Uhtred ran to me and crouched in front of me, I rested my head on his shoulder and just cried uncontrollably.

"You will heal in time," Finan said and stroked my back.

"I'm too weak to walk on my own, I'm in so much pain I don't even sleep," I said, Uhtred slipped my mask off and wiped my tears away, he kissed my forehead gently.

"I will get you well again," he said and cuddled me to him. I looked up at Finan, his eyes watered too. I knew both men hated to see me like this. Uhtred turned us to the waters edge. "Finan could you leave us?"

"Of course lord," he said and walked away.

"Freya, my love, you were severely injured. You're lucky to be alive. You're body is going to take time to heal," he said and gently brushed his fingers through my hair.

"I know," I whimpered.

"Just thank Odin you're alive, and he bought you to me," he said, gently resting my head on his shoulder.

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