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"I did what was right," I growled.

"Killing our leader was not the right choice," he said.

"His reign of terror was over, it was when he convinced me to help him," I snarled and pushed past Uhtred. The messenger punched me denting my mask. "You'll regret that."

"Don't think I..." I interrupted him as I rammed my knee into his stomach. He buckled over and stumbled backward.

"Easy Warrior," Finan said and pushed me back.

"I demand you pay in blood," he growled.

"You want a duel, I'll give you one," I said and hauled my sword from its scabbard.

"Don't do this, Freya," Uhtred whispered.

"Step aside," I said and pushed Uhtred away.

"You can't defend your dog this time," the messenger growled. I ignored his words and charged I ran him through and hauled my blade out, I laughed as blood erupted from his wound. 

"Not so talkative now are we?" I mocked him. 

"I'll cut out your tongue before I kill you," he snarled and lumbered towards me, I sidestepped and he slipped over in the mud. We all chuckled and laughed till he pulled my feet out from under me, turned me over, and sat on my chest. He pointed his sword at my throat. "I am going to enjoy killing you." Just as he was about to slide the steel into my flesh Sihtric cut the mans head off. It landed next to me, blood sputtered from the wound and his body fell. 

"Thank you," I said as Sihtric helped me off the ground. 

"I couldn't do nothing," he said, his glance traveled to Uhtred. "Maybe you should pick a new companion." 

"I disagree," I said. 

"She...He's right," Uhtred said, Finan and I locked eyes onto him.

"Sihtric that is not your place to say or even to remark on," I said and kicked the man's head squashing it under my boot. 

"This is no time for this, we must protect the warrior now. With one man down they will notice and they will come for us," Finan said. 

"That's not necessary," I replied. Uhtred took me to one side and rested his hands on my shoulders. 

"Freya," he whispered, "we need you taken care of. I can't afford to lose you." 

"What about just showing my face?" I inquired. 

"It's still dangerous, you could be used against me. Go with Finan and Sihtric, they will keep you safe. It breaks my heart that I have to send you away, away from me. But for now, it's what is best," he said. Uhtreds mind was made up and I knew I couldn't fight against him, "leave now." He lifted my mask and kissed me. We took three horses from the stable and headed towards the forest. I rode ahead of them both. 

"Slow down!" Finan called after me. 

"Ride faster!" I replied turning in the saddle. 

We were soon draped in the shadows of the trees, I started a fire while both of them saw to the horses. There was a cavern close by too. "We'll be safe for now," Finan said as he collapsed down next to me.

"Will Uhtred be checking on us?" I asked. 

"More than likely warrior," Sihtric said. 

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