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That night the wind whistled in between the gaps of the timber. I shivered and tried to wrap the furs around me. My horse whinnied and nipped at the furs as he hung his head over his stable. "No I shan't go back to him," I replied. He pushed me so hard with his nose I fell from the wooden bench I slept on. He neighed as he laughed. "No I won't!" I repeated. When the moon was at its highest both my horse and I fell asleep. I slept with my blade close to my chest, my fingers wrapped around its hilt tightly till my knuckles turned white. 

I woke up to main barn door slamming open and shut open and shut over and over again. I had asked Finan many times to fix the latch but every time he seemed to forget. I reluctantly hauled myself out from my makeshift bed, I stood for a moment and observed my surroundings I wanted to make sure I was alone. Except the footprints outside the barn said otherwise, I walked out further wrapping my arms around my tiny torso as my muscles shivered. "Who's there?" I called. It took a few moments but Sihtric emerged. "What are you doing here, you gave me a fright?" 

"I can't sleep and I knew you were outside on your own, I wanted to make sure you were okay," he said. 

"I am, now go back to your bed," I said. 

"No, let me guard you," he insisted. 

"Sihtric, please, this does not concern you," I replied. 

"Let me take care of you warrior," he said, I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Please, let me take the place of the chosen one since he's not here." 

"Fine, but only for tonight," I replied. 

"Thank you," he said a smile appearing on his features, he walked back into the stables with me. He stood at the start of the stalls, pacing up and down, it took me a little while to get used to it but before I knew it dawn shone through the slits in the walls off the stable, Sihtric was now stood in front of me. 

"Good morning warrior," he smiled. 

"Sihtric, it's morn what are you still doing here?" I inquired. 

"I wanted to make sure you awoke well," he said. 

"Well you're dismissed now," I said and placed a hand under my mask to rest it on my forehead. 

"Are you sure I can't bring you breakfast?" he asked. 

"No, please leave me," I said nicely.  He nodded and walked out, I dragged a hand down my face and stretched my back up. I heard thundering footsteps racing towards me. 

"You make me sleep on my own in our long hall but you spend the night with Sihtric!" Uhtred exclaimed furiously. 

"Please lower your voice," I said calmly.

"No, you answer me now!" he yelled. 

"Uhtred, it's not what you think..." he interrupted me. 

"I saw him coming out of the stables!" 

"He guarded me all night! He wanted to make sure I was safe nothing more!" I replied now lifting my head to look at him. "You really think I would disrespect you like that?"

"Well I didn't know if you wanted to spite me so you would sleep another man," he said, his eyes dropped he could see the hurt he caused me. 

"I'm not like some of the women you have met. I am loyal to one, and one only!" I barked. Iseult emerged at the entrance of the barn. 

"Lord?" she called. 

"No doubt she satisfied you last night," I said standing up. 

"I did not warrior, I respected your lord," she replied. I fell silent and walked past Uhtred shoulder barging him and scowling at Iseult. 

"Where are you going?" Uhtred called. 

"To bathe," I growled pausing and looking over my shoulder. 

"We'll finish this later," he called after me. 

"No we won't," I called back heading to the lake.

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