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I had walked up to the hill and laid down in the grass my mask laid next to me. The sun-soaked into my bones, the blood dried and congealed. Finan followed me and sat at my side. "Would you say Skorpa is a better leader?" he asked.

"No, he's worse it's chaotic," I said. "Well he won't be a leader for long," I readjusted my head on my arms.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"He felt the bite of my poison dagger," I replied.

"You killed him?" he inquired.

"I hope so," I said.

"That's going to come back and bite you," he replied.

"I don't think so, I've done Odin's work," I said.

"I'm sure Odin wouldn't want you to kill another Dane in his name," Uhtred said standing in front of the sun casting his shadow over me.

"I'm sure he's proud of me," I said sitting up on my elbows, he nodded at Finan who left us. He sat next to me but left a gap between us.

"You should have left with us," he said.

"I had no choice," I replied pulling at the grass.

"You always have a choice Freya," he said.

"Uhtred it's not your name or reputation that's going to be ruined, it's mine!" I growled. 

"Maybe it's time you stop worrying about your reputation," he said.

"That's hard when you have a legend built around you," I growled my glance landing on the skull nestled in the grass. 

"Then leave the mask behind for a while, be Freya," he said.

"It's so much better for you Uhtred of Bebbanburg," I replied. 

"It is not, but if you won't leave your legend behind then please promise me you will never leave my side," he said and closed the gap between us now, the blood not bothering him. "I watched the devastation from the hill, the screams of men and women. I feared you would not return to me." 

"Uhtred, I would and will always return to you," I said. 

"How are your wounds? Finan told me you were hurt," he replied. 

"They're healing," I said, he rested a hand on my cheek. 

"You know with what you did to Skorpa it may cause another battle," he said. 

"I know, but one we'll be ready for, besides you have me," I reminded him. 

"That I do," he said pushing me onto the ground and sat astride me.

"Uhtred I should really bathe first," I said and pushed against his chest. 

"Doesn't bother me," he ran his tongue up my neck. 

"There is something wrong with you," I chuckled. 

"I don't think there is," he smiled. We were suddenly interrupted by a cough. "Yes?" Uhtred looked up, I tried my best to move but Uhtred pushed his weight onto me pinning me there. Sihtric had interrupted us. 

"One of Skorpas messengers are here he wants to deliver a message to you," he said. I pushed Uhtred off me, pulled on my mask and ran back to the long hall Uhtred and Finan on my heels. As soon as Skorpas messenger saw me his eyes grew wide. 

"You're a murderer!" He yelled Uhtred pushed me behind him. 

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