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We were camped in the forest for three days, we kept our fire low and our voices quiet. On the fourth morning, we saw the ferry returning to shore. Ragnar had to hold me back. "Not yet, we must wait till they get off the ship, just be ready." He said.

"Of course," I said sliding my mask down and pulling my hood up over my head. We watched them walk up the hill to a camp where they waited to be sold like cattle. We crept up keeping as low as possible, we saw a few men walk down the line of men however one was trying to challenge Uhtred but he was broken, weak and I couldn't stand the sight any longer. I shrugged Ragnar's arms off me and rushed out into the open.

"Freya!" he yelled, I turned, pressed a finger to the fangs of my mask and continued charging blade held high, I grabbed the Dane from behind by his hair and slit his throat. Uhtred fell back shocked and surprised while the ferry captain tried to run, but a slave had escaped and was on him, the other two Danes turned to me, one stabbed me in the side but I grunted and snapped his blade in half.

I headbutted and kicked him back, the other tried running. I ripped the broken blade out of my side without even a sound and threw it at him, he fell like a dead tree with a thud. I stood there panting, all the slaves stared, a few looked scared. Ragnar now joined me, I crouched to Uhtred who wrapped his arms around me. He pulled on my armour and shook, he burst into tears and I hugged him to me tightly.

"You must be important Uhtred, for the warrior of the North to show you such affection," an Irish man said. I shot him a glance before helping a broken Uhtred off the ground, we made a camp and stayed on the beach I saw to the rest of the wounded, while Ragnar and Uhtred had some time alone. I knew he could comfort his brother in a way I couldn't. I cauterized the wound on my side, then tended the Irish man to clean his wounds. "So what's up with the mask, are you ugly under there?" he asked.

"You would remain quiet if you knew what was good for you," I growled not looking at him. I began to sew his wounds up.

"Ow, so do you have a name?" he asked.

"The warrior of the North," I answered. "You are?"

"I am Finan, but that's a nice title. One that you must be proud of," he said

"I am," I nodded, now cutting the thread and wrapping his wounds. "Rest," I said, just as I got settled Ragnar joined us.

"He wants you warrior," Ragnar said. I nodded and got up, and found Uhtred laid down in the grass. I removed my mask and hood.

"My love," I said wrapping my arms around him and laying him on my legs. He was still broken, but he seemed comforted by our presence.

"F...Freya," he stuttered. "Y...You shouldn't have taken a blade for me."

"Save your strength," I told him gently running my fingers through his hair. "I can't imagine what you went through," I said. Uhtred turned over so he now faced me and buried his face into my stomach, I wrapped my cloak around his shoulders. I had seen him at his lowest but never beaten down like this. He began to weep.

"H...Halig is dead," he cried.

"Shush my love, it is over now. We shall avenge his death," I said. I gently rocked with him in my arms, he soon fell silent as he fell asleep but it wasn't long till I followed suit.

I was woken up first by the sunlight it was warm and welcoming, I gently woke Uhtred today I would see the extent of his suffering. I looked over to the main camp, most of the men were still asleep so I didn't need my mask. I found a stream that I filled a bowl with took a clean cloth out of my bag and let it soak.

Uhtred sat in front of me, he was quiet. Still. It scared me, he was not the man I knew. I used my dagger to cut his shirt open from the back, I gasped as the wounds on his back were deep. Tears pricked at my eyes to know he suffered greatly. I rested a hand on his shoulder as I cleaned his wounds, he hissed quietly. "I am sorry," I said but he rested a shaky hand on mine.

By noon we were on the move, I rode at the back, Uhtred was too weak to ride he was now laid in a cart. I kept an eye on him, he smiled at me weakly before going back to sleep. We were headed back to Winchester, they all needed to rest up including us. People stared as we rode through the gates but I ignored them.

As soon as we reached the hall Alfred met us. "Did you retrieve him?" he asked.

"Yes," Ragnar replied.

"He is resting at his sisters," I replied.

"Good. I must say, warrior, I apologize bringing you down from the north but I knew you could bring him back," the king said walking around me. My eyes flickered to Ragnar.

"You mean us," I said.

"Yes I mean you both. Ragnar for your help you have earned your freedom, as for you warrior I need yours and Uhtreds help," he said. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I fulfilled my oath, how are my men going to feel?" I asked.

"You promised me," he said.

"I promised you nothing," I said storming out and returning to Uhtreds side, Ragnar followed me. Father Beocca let us in, Ragnar wrapped me in his arms immediately.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"The king has asked her to serve him once more," Ragnar replied as he removed my mask and pulled my hood over my head a bit more, and pushed my head into his shoulder as I began to cry.

"What about my men Ragnar? They'll believe I have betrayed them," I said.

"No, they won't I will send a messenger," he said rubbing my back.

"What about Erik and Siegfried?" I quizzed him.

"I shall say the same to them," he replied. "How's Uhtred?"

"He's resting, should be okay in a day or two," Father Beocca said. Ragnar gently pushed me back and wiped the tears from my eyes. I noticed Beooca trying to steal a glance. "Someone so young and beautiful shouldn't hide their features with a mask of such grotesque monstrosity."

"I do," I replied taking it from Ragnars grip and walked into the dim room and leant on the threshold watching Thyra tend her brother, she turned to face me.

"You always did like sneaking up on us when we were only children," she smiled but noticed my glassy eyes. "What's wrong?" I walked over, my weapons rattled and broke the silence.

"Alfred wants me and Uhtred to serve him again, but I promised my men I would never take another Oath but I'm stuck Thyra." I said.

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