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One of Haestens men took pity on me and brought me a cup of water. "I don't agree with how they are treating you," he said.

"I've had worse," I said and lifted the cup to my lips slowly.

"I know why they guard you," he said resting a hand on the wolf's head, it leant its head into his touch.

"Don't let Haesten find out then," I said.

"I have fought alongside Uhtred I wouldn't let his mate get hurt..." he suddenly fell silent as Haesten walked over.

"Uhtred has still failed to deliver, looks you're going to be stuck with us," he said his gaze evil. I spat at him and he punched me, I tripped back and nearly trod on one of the paws of the wolves. One leapt forward and tore into Haestens wrist. "You're lucky you have them," he beat the wolf off who ran back to me pining.

On the seventh day, I was dragged to the gates with bound hands, I was bruised and bloodied the wolves still at my side. Haesten wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pressed a knife into my throat, crimson trickled down my neck slowly. "Uhtred you better have what I want!" he yelled, the gates creaked open and he emerged with one of his men dressed in an identical mask to mine and my armour. "Finally, I get to see the identity of the great Warrior of the North, Haesten pushed me into the arms of one of his men and walked toward the decoy. He ripped the mask off the frightened young man. What had Uhtred promised him for this? He knew Haesten would kill him. 

Haesten stabbed him in the stomach and dragged the blade across his flesh disembowelling him. Uhtreds eyes locked onto mine. "Give him the girl!" Haesten demanded. Like a cow I was traded back, as soon as I reached Uhtred he wrapped his arms around me and gently rested my head on his shoulder. The wolves followed me, they glanced back at Haesten and then back at me. Happy with his work Haesten retreated back into the forest and we into Winchester. As soon as we were out of sight I dropped to my knees, weak from neglect. The wolves huddled around me and warned off Uhtred, Sihtric and Finan. 

"It's okay," I said resting my hands on their backs and gently buried my fingers in their soft fur. 

"I see you made some new vicious friends," Finan said. 

"They were good to me," I said smiling at them both. Uhtred helped me off the ground and took me to a room above the alehouse. He laid me down, the two wolves guarded the door.

 "I feared I would never see you again," he said, he tried to steady his voice but it was futile. 

"I would never leave you," I said looking up at him. 

"Good," he kissed my forehead and sat next to me. 

"How much did you pay that young man?" I asked. 

"Nothing, I promised he would be rewarded in Valhalla," he replied cleaning the dirt from my skin. 

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