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Our horses foamed at the mouth as we rushed to Winchester to report to Alfred that his kingdom was threatened. A few days after the incident we received word that Seigfried and his brother were coming for us, and wanted to hit us where he thought it would hurt. We finally reached the gates, both dismounting and rushing in. However, I was blocked from entering.

"What is this?" I snarled, Uhtred stopped and turned in his tracks.

"By the order of Queen Aleswith you cannot enter with that mask on," a guard spoke up.

"She must come," Uhtred began.

"Uhtred just go," I said turning my back to him and waited with Finan. I sat down on a barrel near the horses and leant my head on my hand.

"What's up?" Finan asked and rested a hand on my back gently.

"Nothing," I said pushing myself off the barrel and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To get drunk," I replied and walked to the alehouse with Finan trailing me.

"Is that wise if Uhtred needs you?" He asked trying to stop me. I just shrugged and kept walking. "If I can't enter into the palace what else am I supposed to do?"

"Wait," he replied.

"No," I said and walked into the ale house. I walked to the ale house and ordered two meads.

"I didn't plan on drinking but okay I'll join you," he said. We sat in the corner and I gulped down my mead, about six meads later my head was spinning, Finan however was far behind me.

"Yooou know I woooould love to speak my mind to the queeeeen,"I slurred almost sliding off my seat.

"Okay I think you've had enough," Finan said pulling my tankard from my hands.

"Noooooo I need another," I said.

"No, you're done," he said.

"Pweeeeaaassee," I said leaning over the table and trying to kiss Finan.

"You're relentless Freya, no!" He yelled and pushed me back.

"You're as boring as Uhtred," I said and pulled my mask back down over my face.

"I won't ask where that has come from," he said.

"Coooome ooooon, I don't mind tellinng you. He's not particularly great in.." I was cut off as Uhtred now joined us.

"Thank goodness you came at the right time," Finan said.

"What's going on?" Uhtred asked looking between us.

"Nooooothing," I said and fell from my seat, I laid on the floor and laughed uncontrollably.

"Did you get her drunk?" he asked.

"No, she did this to herself," he answered as Uhtred helped me off the ground.

"She can drink," Uhtred laughed.

"Uhtred knows, because I have beaten him too," I continued to slur. He looked away.

"Come Freya you need to rest," he said and gripped my arm.

"Unhand me, I do not," I growled.

"Freya, you do look tired," Finan said.

"Don't agree with him," I said trying to pull Uhtreds hand off my arm.

"Don't fight me Freya, we both know you can't fight when you're drunk," Uhtred said and dragged me up to a room above the ale house. "Freya, I need you to sober up. You're no good to me right now."

"According to your kings wife, I have to show my face. She won't like what's underneath," I said.

"Stop," he said pulling me on to the bed with him. A spell of dizziness washed over me, and I fell back on the bed giggling. "Freya, what's wrong?"

"Noooothing," I said as the wolf skull slipped back.

"You're lying to me, I know you drink when something is bothering you," he said.

"Nooo I don't," I slurred, he removed his sword and laid down next to me.

"Please," he said. Before I could say much more drowsiness now took me, "sleep well Freya," was the last thing I heard before I drifted off deep into a restful slumber. When I woke up Finan and Uhtred were sat on the edge of the bed.

"Have you been there the whole time?" I asked, barely able to lift my head.

"Yes," Uhtred answered. "But Finan joined me about an hour ago." I pulled the bucket out from under the bed and began to throw up. Uhtred rushed to my side and held my hair back, "you never learn," he rubbed my back gently.

"I'll get her some water," Finan said and left the room.

"Are you going to be fit for riding this afternoon?" he asked.

"I hope so," I said now placing the bucket down, I threw myself against the bed and sighed.

"Other than having a good time, I never understand why you do this to yourself," he said.

"Uhtreds right," Finan said, as he returned and placed my cup of water on the table.

"If I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it," I replied sitting up, grabbing the bucket and throwing up into it.

"Uhtred, let's face it, she's not going to be in any good state to ride," he added.

"Finan, I hope you're wrong," he answered. "Go ready my horse, my men I'll take care of her."

"But what if you're not there by noon?" he asked.

"Then I will meet you at the ambush point," Uhtred said.

"As you ask lord," Finan said and rushed out of the room.

"You know Alfred missed your presence," Uhtred said.

"Then maybe, he should talk to his wife," I growled and threw up even more.

"See this is Odin punishing you," he said, stroking a hand down my back.

"No, it's me punishing myself," I replied, Uhtred huffed a laughed.

"I'll have to remember that next time you drink too much," he said. "I did have words with Queen Aelswith on your behalf," he added.

"What did she say?" I asked placing the bucket down again, and taking a sip of water Finan had bought me up.

"She's stubborn and won't change her mind, but I'm sure she'll come around," Uhtred said, doing his best to comfort me. A few hours later and I was out of the alehouse, and just about balancing on the back of my steed. I rode in front of Uhtred, he wanted to keep an eye on me. We reached the ambush point, we were hidden on the edge of the forest.

"It's good to see you made it," Finan said greeting me.

"Barely," I said dismounting and wobbled a little bit till Finan steadied me.We had the upper hand, whereas Siegfried and his brother would ride straight for the city. It was now a waiting game.

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