I was up before Uhtred. I crept down the stairs, a blanket wrapped around my shoulders and walked out to the lake. I sat down on the wooden dock, it was still early I was the only one up. My peace was soon interrupted, I heard movement in the forest I rushed back to the house pulled on my armour, mask and grabbed my sword. Uhtred was only stirring as I heard him fidgeting, I rushed out into the woods.

I held my sword high, "who's there?" I called, no one answered I looked down at the mud there sat footprints I knew someone had been watching me. I suddenly felt a pain in my back, I was forced to my knees, I turned to look who was now stood behind me I could feel their heat from his body. "Siegfried, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You betrayed us!" He exclaimed.

"I rescued my friend," I said as I stood and turned to him completely.

"Friend? So you are on Uhtreds side," he said.

"What are you doing here?" I growled.

"To bring your traitorous head back to your men, they now rule under Erik and me," he replied.

"They would never!" I exclaimed.

"Yes they would," he said and gripped my throat and squeezed hard. I rested my clawed fingernails on his wrist and squeezed harder and harder. "Not so tough now warrior!" he mocked me. "I want to see the light leave your eyes," he pulled the skull from my face, my hood also fell and gasped. "You're a woman!"

"L...Let go," I wheezed.

"No, I'm going to enjoy killing you," he said and squeezed tighter. I dug my nails deeper and scratched his wrist deep, he let go and I buckled over trying to catch my breath. He roared like an angered animal and ran at me, I tackled him to the ground and sat on his chest.

"Looks like the tables have turned," I said.

"It doesn't matter now that I know your face!" He exclaimed.

"I can change that," I said, with one hand I gripped his chin and forced his mouth open. I pulled his tongue out and using the knife on my waist I cut it out. He cried in agony and rolled over as blood flooded from his lips. "No one will ever know," I turned him over and scratched his face deep marking his skin. "Now run back to your brother before blood loss takes you," he staggered off the ground, stumbling over as he ran.

I threw his tongue down and stroked my fingers over my neck, it hurt,  pulled my mask back on and headed back to Uhtred. He was now awake and was sitting at the table cup of water in his hand. "Where did you go?" He asked.

"Fought off an intruder," I said, now he looked at me.

"Freya, what happened?" He panicked.

"His blood not mine," I said and pulled off my mask.

"Who's he?" he asked.

"Seigfried," I answered now warming some water over a fire.

"What did he want?" He asked.

"He wanted to take my head, for betraying my men," I replied. I poured the hot water into a bowl, placed a cloth in and laid it on my neck hissing.

"What did he do?" he asked walking over and pushing my hair over my shoulder. "Freya, you should have woken me up," he took the cloth from me and placed it on the back of my neck. He kissed my head, "if he's after you more men will be after you, you don't leave my side."

"Fine," I whined.

"Wait, did he see your face?" he asked.

"Yes, but I stopped him telling anyone," I said.

"You didn't kill him did you?" he inquired.

"No, I just cut his tongue out," I replied.

"Freya! That could cause a war," he said.

"I know," I said turning to look at him.

"But I am proud of you," he said. I rested my head against his hand and sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"It's your men isn't it?" He quizzed me.

"Yes," I nodded. "Uhtred, they are not in good hands right now."

"I know, I know," he said. "But Ragnar is with them I'm sure he will tell them the truth."

"I hope so," I replied, I pulled the cloth off my neck and placed it on the table.

"For now we can rest and enjoy the peace we have," he said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest.

"What have I missed?" Finan said walking in and joining us.

"Nothing," I said getting up keeping my back to him, I climbed the stairs and washed the blood off.

"Is she okay?" He asked.

"She had a run in with Siegfried," Uhtred replied.

"Do you need me to go kill him for you?" Finan inquired.

"No," he answered. When I was in clean armour I returned with my hood up. "You can trust Finan." I sighed and pulled my hood down.

"Uhtred you're a lucky man, I see why you keep your identity hidden. You're beautiful, do you have a name other than warrior of the North?"

"Yes, it's Freya," I said trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"You're embarrassing her Finan," Uhtred said.

"I apologise but when I see something beautiful..." I interrupted him.

"Please stop."

"Okay. I have to admit though I do admire the way you fight, your legend is so inspiring," he said.

"I'm just good at what I do," I smiled.

"I wouldn't say that," Uhtred said teasing me.

"Hey, who saved your sorry arse?" I asked punching him.

"Okay you win," he said.

"I always do," I said sitting down at the table with the two.

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