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We were out on the seas once again, everyone who was able bodied took it in turns, Uhtred and Finan insisted I rested, but I refused. I was going to row us home, even if it costed one of my wounds reopening. They both kept a very close eye on me. The sea was not as calm as we had wished it to be, it made it harder but the struggle was worth it. We were determined, you could see it in each and every one of us.

Odin poured his tears down on us. It made it harder, we all shivered and shook, our fingers numb and knuckles white. "Freya, let me take over," Finan said.

"No," I said staring at the horizon.

"You're not strong enough, you'll get sick," he said.

"No," I repeated, he threw his hands up and took his seat next to Uhtred.

"She sure is stubborn, I don't know how you put up with it lord," he said.

"I have my ways," Uhtred said as he turned to me and smirked, I rolled my eyes and continued rowing. We paused and floated on the waters surface, we passed a water skin around but when it came to me I refused. Uhtred huffed as I gave it to him. "The sooner we get to Cookham the better," But before I could pull away, Uhtred grabbed me and clamped his arms around me.

Finan leapt up and took my space. "Traitors!" I snarled. "Let me go!" I tried to break his hold but it was futile.

"You're staying with me till we reach home," Uhtred said tightening his grip around me pushing me into his chest.

"Fine," I said and rested my head on his shoulder giving into the drowsiness which pricked at my eyes. The warmth and the drumming of Uhtreds heart lulled me to sleep, I jumped awake to someone yelling land.

"It's okay," Uhtred said kissing my head.

"Are we home?" I asked attempting to stretch but Uhtreds arms were still wrapped around me tightly.

"You can get up when the boats reach the shore," he said.

"You'll pay for this Uhtred of Bebbanburg!" I snarled.

"Don't think I will, you'll forget by the time we reach Cookham," he replied.

"Fine I'll make you pay now, I will sleep in the stables for a month," I said.

"Ouch! That's a bit harsh!" Finan exclaimed.

"He should have thought about that before he restrained me and stopped me rowing," I said looking up at him. His grip loosened and I got up moving to the other side of the boat, his eyes burnt into my back but I had the last laugh he'd need me before I'd need him. The boats reached the shore and we all clambered off.

We stayed clustered together in case any threats were still around, I led the group. "Stay here, I'll run up the hill and scout," I said.

"I am coming with you," Finan said.

"Fine," I sighed, we reached the top of the cliff face and the land was quiet. "Go, give them the signal." Finan nodded and returned, he soon joined my side again watching everyone come up. Alfred, Aleswith and her baby were our main priority. We now walked at the back.

"You know I don't think you should punish Uhtred in such a way," he said.

"I think I should," I replied.

"A man has needs," Finan added.

"Well that's up to deal with it," I said.

"Freya, you're just unfair," he said. "This is why I'm glad I don't have a woman just yet, she wouldn't do this to me."

"And you would stop her?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes," he said. "I would tell her how much I cared, loved her and why I did what I did for her, you need to bear that in mind with Uhtred. You don't see it Freya, but everything he does, he does for you. Every time he risks his life, or fights in battle. Freya it is all for you." We paused letting the group continue. "He's a man of few words, but his actions say more." He caught up with the group.

I paused as I thought his words over. I had never noticed, I felt guilty for all the times I turned him away, but I still needed to teach him a lesson. I ran a hand over the back of my neck, my eyes met the horizon once again there was Winchester. It was still smouldering, it was burnt out and half rotted corpses laid everywhere. "Keep close!" Uhtred yelled.

I jogged up to them, I pushed Aleswith and Alfred behind me. We pulled our blades and walked up to the entrance. The gates hung off its hinges, the sight broke our hearts half the town had been killed, slaughtered like animals. I dreaded to think what the slaves were going through. Finan rested a hand on Uhtreds back, I could see the tears collecting in his eyes.

We searched the palace, there were no survivors till we reached the basement. There were soldiers cowered down there. "How have you survived?" Uhtred asked.

"We have survived on the scraps we could retrieve from the kitchen," one answered. The soldiers resumed their rightful places next to the Kings and Queens side. We searched the perimeter one final time, the sight would haunt our nightmares for years to come so many children, men and women all laid together. A few decapitated, dismembered, the eery silence of death lingered all these months later, it sunk deep into our souls.

The feeling eating away at us, and we were satisfied that they were safe we returned to Cookham. The Danes had missed this place out, most of the men went to their beds, Iseult, Uhtred and I returned to the long house.

"Are you still sleeping in the stables tonight or will you join your lord?" Uhtred asked removing my mask, and dragged his fingers through my hair. I swatted his hand away and grabbed my mask.

"My horse will have my company tonight," I replied, Iseult watched us both.

"You turn your lords love down?" she asked as Uhtred walked off.

"If he's that important to you then you satisfy him!" I snarled, pulled my mask on, grabbed my furs and wandered to the stables throwing my skins next to my horses stable, he whinnied as I gently stroked his snout and kissed his nose. "I missed you too boy," I said.

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