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As soon as night hit the festivities were underway, I was sat in the corner of the long hall hoping I would be left alone, however, my wish didn't come true as man after man came to me to pay their respects. I was glad Uhtred put a pain-numbing serum on my wound, I knew I wouldn't be able to sit here for long otherwise. "What you did was very brave, I would be proud to fight by your side," he said and slid a gold braided bangle towards me with two wolf heads on the ends.

"Thank you," I sand and reluctantly took it, he gave me a smile as he walked away. Sihtric was next he knelt before me, I raised my eyes to look at Uhtred and he chuckled at me, clearly, Sihtric thought I was a god. "Please rise, sit before me."

"Your bravery is to be admired," he said and laid a knife before me. "This is my gift to you."

"You're too generous," I replied

"Only the best for a warrior who won our battle," he said.

"No, you each played your own part," I said quickly.

"Next time we fight I will make a sacrifice to you and Odin," he said.

"There is no need," I replied. Uhtred soon joined me, he sat next to me. Sihtrics eyes grew wide.

"Lord, you are the chosen one. You're the companion of The Warrior of the North!" he gasped. Uhtred and I exchanged glances, I offered him a subtle nod. Uhtred rose his head.

"Yes, yes I am," he answered. I had to hide the giggle from Sihtric but Uhtred burst into laughter. I subtly nudged him in the ribs.

"You are a very lucky man, I wish I was in your position," Sihtric said.

"It's not all it's cracked up to be," Uhtred said.

"But you are the only one to gaze upon the face of the brave warrior, to tend his every need," he said.

"Well maybe when Uhtred fails me, I'll pick you to take his place," I said.

"You do that then next time your blade will be blunt," he said.

"You wouldn't be that cruel!" Sihtric exclaimed.

"It's okay, he can muck my horse out," I replied.

"May I see the great steed you ride on?" he asked.

"He is..." But I cut Uhtred off.

"Yes," I said glaring at Uhtred, I winced as I stood and hid my squeak of pain. We headed to the stables, Uhtred stayed behind. My Friesian steed was dozing in his stall but woke when he heard us.

"What's his name?" he inquired.

"Calder," I replied.

"May I place a hand upon his strong neck?" he asked.

"Of course," I said

"A beautiful steed that is perfect for a warrior such as yourself," he said. "Uhtred is so lucky to stand at your side," he said.

"It was fate. Foretold that Uhtred of Bebbanburg would find and serve me," I said as we walked back to the hall. Finan greeted us as we walked in, he knelt before me and took my hands in his and kissed them.

"My lord," he said. "It's an honour to kiss the hands of the man who killed Siegfried with them." I rolled my eyes, and tried to pull my hands away, however, he had a tight grip on them. "Please accept this ring as my gift to you." He slid it onto one of my fingers. Two men came over to us.

"Warrior, please be on my side for tug of war?" one asked.

"No mine," the other said. I looked between them both.

"How about I spectate?" I asked.

"Sounds fair," Finan said. I walked to the top of the hall and stood in the middle holding the rope.

"Get ready," I said as the men took up the rope, Uhtred on one side and Finan on the other. "Pull!" I yelled. They all groaned and roared, I closely watched. They all heaved and pulled it was a struggle at first, and took a long while before we had a winner. It was Finan's side, I cut the rope with my axe, and the tort rope dropped and with it the men. By midnight the festivities had grown far rowdier but as most of the men were drunk it finally gave me some time alone.

I poured myself a flagon of water and watched the men enjoying themselves Uhtred being one of them. I knew I'd be looking after him tomorrow. The hall was filled with singing and laughter I wrapped my fingers around my flagon of water and stretched my back up as the numbing serum began to wear off. Thyra and Father Beocca joined me. "Not joining in the festivities?" she asked.

"I can't," I replied.

"Why not?" Beocca asked.

"One I'm tired and two my wound is beginning to hurt," I said.

"Wound?" Thyra asked a little concerned.

"I was stabbed in the back while I fought Siegfried," I told her.

"That's not honourable at all," Thyra said.

"No," I said, "but with Uhtreds help I'll heal again," I said, my eyes resting on my flagon.

"Oh we had this wolf pin made for you to put on your cloak," Beocca said and handed me the broach.

"Thank you," I said and pinned it just below the jaw of my wolf skull. By the early hours, the festivities came to an end, and I helped a drunk Uhtred back our longhouse, as soon as that door shut I put the gifts and my wolf mask on the table. Uhtred stumbled upstairs to rest, while I splashed cool water into my face to wash the sweat off. It wasn't long till I joined Uhtred upstairs.

"Come here my warrior," he said wrapping his arms around me and pulled me into bed with him. "You were quite a hit with the men tonight," he slurred.

"I know, my chosen one," I said and kissed him passionately, dragging my fingers through his hair. He kissed down my neck and dragged his fingernails down my back.

"Shall we?" he asked.

"Of course," I said, as Uhtred pulled the furs over us both.

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