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Uhtred walked with me taking in the night air. He had wrapped two cloaks around my shoulders.  "Uhtred I really don't need you to escort me everywhere," I reminded him and softly rested hands on my stomach. 

"Yes, I do. You need someone to protect you," he replied. 

"I can still look after myself," I said as we headed past the blacksmiths. 

"You're safer with me at your side," he said. 

"And me," Finan said joining us. 

"Of course you wouldn't be far from us," I huffed a laugh.  We walked slowly it had become harder the last few days. 

"Maybe we should get you a horse?" Finan suggested. 

"No," I said. "I can manage." We were just passed the gates to the palace when Aleswith stopped us. "What?"

 "Be nice," Finan said. 

"I understand you are with child," he said. 

"Yes, what of it?" I asked. 

"My husband suggested we take you in and protect you," she said. 

"No!" I exclaimed. "I'd rather be out here!" 

"Why do you all think I am so defenceless?" I began. 

"Take it easy, it's not good for the baby," Uhtred began. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes briefly. 

"Thank you, but I don't need your help," I said politely and kept walking. 

"I am sorry," Uhtred said and ran toward me. 

"They're only offering help," he said and grabbed my arm to slow me down. 

"They're the reason I am trapped here," I snapped turning around to him fury painting my face. "I do not wish for their help, I'd rather our little warrior to  be born amongst other Danes, not these Saxons." Uhtreds face dropped. 

"Freya, do you know what you're saying?" he said as his eyes misted. 

"Yes, I miss my real home," I spat and stormed away leaving Uhtred and Finan staring after me. I felt like a rat trapped in a cage, it was not safe outside the gates unless Haesten was to capture me again. The two wolves kept close to me their fingers brushed over their spines. Sihtric met me by the stables. 

"You are not going for a ride," he said and tried to turn me around. 

"Not you too!" I growled unsettling my wolves. 

"What?" he asked, turned his head to the side and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Everyones treating me like a delicate flower and it's infuriating," I said. 

"Oh, well, they're only looking out for you," he said. "You didn't see Uhtred without you, he needed you and now that he has you back he is doing everything he can to make sure you're safe and well cared for." 

"I wish he wouldn't, it's infuriating," I said and sat down on a hay bale. 

"I know," he said resting a hand on my shoulder. "We are all protecting you and your little warrior." 

"Oh thanks," I replied and rolled my eyes. 

"Always have been stubborn, even after the day I have met you," he smiled. 

"In case you have forgotten I do have a reputation to uphold," I said and nudged him with my elbow. 

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