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I was awake before Uhtred, I turned to face him and gazed over his sleeping form he looked peaceful. I brushed my fingers against his face and kissed his cheek gently before getting up, and getting ready to go for a morning ride. My wound was sore, but I needed some time alone. I placed a note and a cup of water on the table for when he woke up. I gazed up to his sleeping form one last time before pulling my skull over my face and walked to the stables.

However, Sihtric was waiting for me. "Can I help you?" I asked, walking to my horses' stall.

"May I ride with you?" he inquired, I sighed and rubbed the back of my head.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged. He immediately began to tack up his white steed, I put a rope around my horse's neck and led him out of the stables. Sihtric was behind me.

"Here, let me help you," he said and helped me onto the back of my horse.

"Thank you," I nodded, nudging my horse hard in the ribs and galloped off leaving him behind.

"Hey! Wait!" he yelled, he caught up to me outside the gates.

"How do you know I ride every morning?" I inquired.

"I've been watching you," he replied.

"I see," I answered.

"Please don't take that the wrong way. Why do you ride alone?" he asked.

"Because everyone I kill, I see their faces as I sleep. In the mornings I need to clear my mind," I said.

"Oh I see," he replied as we rode into the forest. I halted my horse, dismounted and began to collect some herbs up. "What are these for?" As Sihtric now stood next to me.

"Serums, elixirs and creams," I said.

"Uhtred must be a very well cared for companion," he replied helping me to collect my herbs.

"Indeed he is, and he's going to need these more this morning," I chuckled.

"Me to," he said, I paused for a second and looked at him.

"I can't share these herbs with others who are not my chosen companion," I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because Odin will punish me for using my powers on someone he had not chosen to accompany me," I explained.

"I understand," he said as his head fell. "One day I will be."

"Who knows fate is a funny thing," I said as I walked to the small stream that flowed under our feet, I collected it into my flask and placed it back into my saddle bag with the herbs. I hissed as I turned around to face Sihtric.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, "now help me back onto my horse," I said quickly and he did as I asked. "I better be getting back." I galloped back with Sihtric behind me we reached Cookham in no time, I dismounted and let my horse wander freely. I raced into our long house, Uhtred was still asleep. I mixed my herbs and water together and made a cream to put on my wound, it stopped the pain and helped to heal it quicker.

I sat at the table and began to clean my mask from Siegfried's blood, I heard a groan and footsteps as Uhtred was awake. He walked down the steps towards me and I handed the cup of water to him. "Thank you," he said. He sat down next to me, and placed a hand on my back which caused me to flinch as the pain hadn't settled down just yet.

"I thought it would have been better today," he said.

"It's getting there, but it caused me such agony last night," I said.

"Did I not soothe you?" he smiled cheekily at me.

"Of course you did, my love," I said, and continued to scrub the skull.

"Maybe you should leave the blood on there, it makes you look far more scarier and an experienced warrior," he said leaning over and kissing my neck. "You're spending the day with me," I said.

"Oh am I now?" he asked.

"Yes, you're in no state to go anywhere," I told him.

"Well I won't complain," he chuckled.

"We'll go to the lake when you're ready," I said.

"Sounds nice," he replied, getting up and getting changed.

"We leave our weapons here," I called up to him.

"Are you leaving your mask?" he asked.

"Yes, we're going to our private bathing spot," I replied.

"Sounds good to me," he replied, walking down the stairs, he rested a hand on my neck, and kissed me.

"Let's go," I said walking out with him at my heel. We walked through the forest, till we came to the lake. He disrobed before me, and I followed but kept my shirt on.

"It's just me," he said.

"I know," I replied walking into the water pulling him in with me.

I tripped on a loose rock and pulled him in with me, when we both emerged we were both laughing and he pulled me towards him. "It's nice to have some peace," he said.

"That it is," I said wrapping my arms around his neck. I washed the cold water over my skin, and dragged my nails down Uhtreds back, I traced the scars and tattoos on his back. He leant into my fingers allowing me to feel how tight his muscles were. "You need to learn to relax," I said.

"I can't when I have an army to lead," he replied.

"That's not an excuse," I said, he chuckled and leaned into my touch even more.

"Uhtred!" We heard a voice call.

"We must leave now!" he exclaimed. We both raced out of the water and raced back to the farmstead. We saw Alfred and his wife stood outside, I pulled my hood up and ran into the long house and they followed me in.

"What can we do for you?" Uhtred asked as I retrieved my mask and slid it on.

"Winchester is under attack!" Alfred exclaimed.

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