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After a few days rest, Uhtred was back to himself. However, he was far more vicious and angrier. We were headed to Cumberland, Uhtred wanted to punish the king. This would be Ragnars last ride with us, it saddened me. I rode at the back I needed some time alone, they were still in sight but I kept my horse at a trot. But as soon as I saw the town coming into view I galloped forward as I would be the first in with Uhtred. But Ragnar pulled on my horse's reins. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he quizzed me. I nodded.

We stormed into the kingdom. We attacked the guards outside the hall before charging in, Uhtred walked all the way to the king and jumped over the table and landed straight in front of the king. I jumped onto the table and crouched down staring at the Abbot, he shuffled uncomfortably. "Uhtred, please call your dog off!" He exclaimed.

"Call him a dog again, and I will command him to kill you," Uhtred replied. I shuffled closer to the Abbot and tightened my grip on my blade.

"Did you think we were going to let you get away with what you did to our lord?" I growled turning my head to the side.

"What you did to me was unforgivable," Uhtred said.

"It was disgraceful" I chimed in now rising to my full height, I kicked the chalices and plates off the table, I quickly stole a glance from Ragnar he was smiling sinisterly.

"The king will not apologize," the Abbot said.

"Warrior," Uhtred called. I strode over, Uhtred took me by the hand and helped me off the table. I took my knife out of its scabbard and held it to the kings throat. "If we don't get an apology we take his head." I pushed the knife in slicing his skin shallowly.

"Stop!" The King exclaimed trying to break my hold.

"Squirm all you like," I said and tightened it.

"Maybe we can come to an agreement?" He said I lifted my head to look at Uhtred, he gestured for me to let go, I pushed the king forward into the table, while I sat on his throne and tapped my clawed fingernails against the wood chipping it away.

"Does he have to be here?" The king asked glancing back at me.

"Yes he does," Uhtred answered, "you're lucky he hasn't killed you yet."

"What's the agreement?" Ragnar asked.

"I pay you the weight of your sword in silver for your suffering?" The King proposed. We all burst into laughter.

"That won't bring Halig back!" Uhtred snarled.

"Easy," I said locking glances with him.

"I will never forgive you!" Uhtred exclaimed and charged at the king, I jumped up and now stood between the two. I pushed Uhtred away.

"This piglet is not worth our time, revoke your debt and let's leave," Ragnar growled. Uhtred turned and stormed off towards the doors, but none of us moved. "Count yourself lucky that today you live. But you have made a very powerful enemy!" Ragnar exclaimed, with silence we all turned our backs and left.

"You can't turn your backs on me!" The king yelled.

"We just did," I said and followed behind. I rushed after Uhtred and pulled him to me. "Come let's ride." Uhtred, Ragnar and I mounted our horses and galloped away from his men as they returned to Cookham. We raced each other up the hill and halted looking down at the landscape.

"Do you have to go?" Uhtred asked.

"Yes, someones gotta keep her men in line while she's with you," Ragnar said.

"Make sure none of them drink themselves silly," I warned.

"Of course Freya," he replied, he hugged us both before cantering off to the shore.

"I am going to miss him," I said.

"Why? You have me," Uhtred said.

"I know, but it was nice all of us being together again," I said. "Do we have to rush back?"

"No, but I would like to sleep in my own home. I need peace Freya," he said. I rolled my eyes and turned my horse.

"Just because you have a mask on doesn't mean I can't see you roll your eyes," he said. I nudged my horse and we galloped to Cookham.

"But what about Alfred he wants us to see him?" I asked.

"He can wait," he replied galloping ahead of me. By nightfall we reached home, I tended the horses while Uhtred went straight to the longhouse.

"It's good to see you have returned safely warrior," Finan said.

"Thank you, now leave me alone," I said and walked off down the dock, I stood at the edge and folded my arms over my chest. I sighed and looked up at the stars, I sat and slid my hood down. As anxiety consumed me, I worried about my men they will think I've abandoned them. I ran a hand down the smooth bone of my mask and slid it off. The clouds grew heavy with rain and Odin unleashed his angry tears onto the earth. I rushed up pulling up hood and ran to the longhouse.

I shut the door quietly as I could hear Uhtreds slumbering breathing and removed my cloak and  laid it on the back of the chair, and placed my mask on the table. I crept up the stairs and leant on the threshold watching Uhtred sleep, he looked peaceful I fidgeted and the floor creaked under me and he stirred. He sat up and looked at me, "are you going to join me, my bed is cold, or are you going to stare at me?"

"I'll join you," I said walking over and laying on the bed with him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him.

"I was beginning to forget what you looked like," he said gently turning my face to look at him. I just giggled.

"I'm glad you're back and safe," I said and pecked his lips.

"If it wasn't for you and Ragnar who knows where I would be now," he replied. "I heard of your victory, apparently the Saxons believe you to be an undead warrior."

"They do? What fools they are," I said.

"But it means they fear you, and with the Danes, it makes you their greatest weapon," he said running his thumb over my jaw.

"Yes, but Alfred won't be impressed, I said and sighed.

"No, but he wanted you to find me, but you also swore an oath to him to so there's some respect there," he reminded me.

"I know, but I don't want to serve him again," I said.

"But we promised him," he said.

"You did, I didn't," I answered. "Uhtred, my dear, I can't stay cooped up here. I need to be free."

"Does this mean you're leaving me?" He panicked taking his arm off me.

"No, Uhtred no I would never. I meant that I may get a little uneasy, I miss the forest, the stars, the lakes," I explained.

"We still have that here," he said.

"No, we don't," I said.

"I know you're wild at heart, but please, Freya just try for me," he said.

"I'll try but Uhtred I can't promise I'll like it," I told him.

"Thank you, that's all I needed," he said pulling me in and kissed my head.

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