~51~ What are we?

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Emily and her father ran up the stairs of the building. They soon arrived at his door. Emily knocked on it.
"Brody?" She questioned. No reply came. The door was unlocked, so she was able to open it. When she stepped inside, she glanced around.
"Maybe this is the wrong apartment, sweetheart." Her father spoke. Emily shook her head and noticed an open door. "No, we're at the right address." She tells him and slowly makes her way towards the door.
There he was, breathing heavily on his broken-down bed. "Brody!" She exclaimed and rushed towards him. She puts her hands on his cheeks to make him look at her.
"E-Em..." He stuttered. She let her thumbs slowly brush over his cheeks. "Brody, you've got to focus, okay?" She asked him, "you've got to breathe along with me, okay?" She instructs. Brody was trying to calm his breathing.
Emily smiled at him "You're doing great." She said quietly. Brody continued, but an image of his dead mother popped up in his head again. He lost his focus and his breath started to quicken again.
"Sweetheart, this ain't working. We should call for help." Emily's father said. "No! We have to help him now." Emily tells her father. Brody got so overwhelmed by all the sounds, that he covered his ears.
Emily snaps her head towards him. "Hey, hey, hey, focus on me. Focus on me." She tells him. He closed his eyes and shook his head while still covering his ears. She puts her hands on his cheeks again, which caused him to open his eyes. The girl gave him a sweet smile and started to give breathing instructions again.
He removed his hands from his ears and slowly started to breathe along with her again. He finally managed to calm down. "You did it." Her father said quite impressed.
Emily smiled and carefully wrapped her arms around Brody. Tears were falling from his eyes as he buried his head in her shoulder.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" She asked him as they hugged. Brody shook his head. "Dad, is it okay if he comes with us?" Emily asks her father. He nodded. "Of course, I'll wait outside at the car." He said and left.
Emily pulled away from their hug and looked at him. "Brody, what happened?" She asked him. He sighs, knowing he was better off to tell her.
"I don't exactly know what happened. I texted Calvin if he wanted to hang out, and he just left me on read." He tells her. She was a little confused, but let him finish his story first before making any comments.
"It was so dark- I started to get all these flashbacks. I started to panic again. I don't why, but it happened." He said. Emily grasped his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"I'm glad you called me. Pack some clothes, you're coming with me." She tells him. He got up from his bed, grabbing his bag, and putting some clothes into it.

"Brody, Honey, are you okay?" Emily's mother asked as they entered the living room. He nodded slowly.
"We're gonna watch a movie upstairs," Emily tells her mother. "Alright, I'll make you some snacks and drinks." She tells them. The two teenagers walked up the stairs and into her room.
 Emily dimmed the lights of her room and jumped onto the bed next to Brody.
"Thanks for letting me stay over, Em," he said quietly. Emily smiled at him and scooted closer to him.
"That's what friends are for." She tells him.
She grabs the remote and turns on her tv. They scroll through Disney+ and decided to put on Beauty and the Beast.
They didn't know why, but they didn't feel like watching anything else. Emily's mother walked into the room and sat a tray on the bed in front of them.
"Have fun!" She said and left the room again, closing the door behind her. Emily scooted forward slightly and ate some of the snacks. "So, is that what we are?" Brody asked her.
Emily turned her head to look at him. "What?" She questioned. "Is that all we are? Friends?" He asked her. She raised her eyebrow. "Uh...yeah." She said in confusion, "Are we supposed to be something else?" She asked him.
Brody sighed irritated. "You can't tell me this is how you treat friends. You're so kind towards me, you let me stay over, not to mention the hand holding." Brody tells her.
"Brody, what are you talking about?" She asked him. "You know what I'm talking about. None of this is friendship, it's more than that." Brody said. "I'm not following, what exactly are you asking me?" Emily asked him. Brody let out another sigh.
"What are we, Em?" He asked her. "We're friends." She tells him. "Really? Because I think we're more than that." He replied, "and I think you feel the same way." He continued.
Emily rubbed her arm slightly. It was like Brody read her mind all these weeks. She has grown to have very strong feelings for him over the past weeks but never expressed them to anyone. "I-I don't know," Emily replied quietly. "Let me ask you this," He started and scooted closer to her. He put his finger under her chin and gently pressed his lips against hers.
When he pulled away he looked deeply into her eyes. "Is that what friends do in your opinion? Because, if it is, then I want to be your friend. But I want to be the only friend to do this to you." He tells her.
"Y-you really mean that?" She asked, still gazing into his eyes. "Would I have kissed you if I didn't?" He asked her. 

"So, what are you saying?" She asked him. "That I'm in love with you," he assures her, "You make me feel something I have never felt before." He added.
"That's not true. You've had a lot of girlfriends in the past." Emily replied. "This is nothing like that, you're nothing like that. I know I'm not the most...honest guy out there...but you give me this strange feeling. And I just can't seem to get enough of it...of you." He tells her. Emily tilted her head slightly.
"You really feel that way about me?" She asked him. He nodded. "So, would you mind upgrading our relationship to...boyfriend and girlfriend instead of just friends?" Brody asked her.
"Well, that means we're skipping the best friends phase, but yeah, I would like that," Emily answered with a giggle making Brody smile. They just smiled, and blushed, and giggled as they looked at each other.
Emily decided to speak up. "Brody?" She said. He looked at her and let out a 'hm?'. Emily crawled onto his lap, grabbed his face with both hands, and pressed her lips against his. Brody smiled into their kiss a little. He slowly moved his hands to her waist and held her as they kissed passionately.

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