~11~ They don't need to know

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Cameron POV
We walked into Calvin's house to find the other guys lying on the couch. There are a few cigarettes on the floor, the table is a huge mess, and someone spilled his drink and broke the glass. Calvin looked at them "Guys, I told you to wait." He says "We couldn't. Brody wanted to and we couldn't stop him." One of them says "Forgiven." Calvin says and grabs one of the bottles of alcohol and fills a glass with it "There you go." He says and hands me the glass "Cal, I don't drink. I'm not..." I tell him "I know you're not old enough to drink, none of us are. Come on, alcohol can erase our memory for a while and let us forget everything for a moment." He says. I back up "Nah, I'll pass, I'll have a coke." I say and walk towards the kitchen. Calvin jumps in front of me and pushes the glass against my torso "Have a drink." He says "Drink, drink, drink, drink..." They all say. I groan and let the alcohol slide down my throat, it burns in my throat! It is terrible! The guys cheer and take more shots themselves. Calvin hands me a cigarette and hands me a lighter, I raise my eyebrow "What am I supposed to do with this?" I ask him "Light it up and enjoy it." He chuckles "I don't smoke! If my parents ever found out this will be the last time you ever see me!" I tell him. He laughs and hands me a lighter "They don't have to know." He smirks.

*Time Skip*

Calvin POV
I helped Cameron to get out of the car. I put his arm around my shoulder and pull him out of the car "Daddy?" He says. I chuckle "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not your Daddy." I tell him. I drag him towards the front door and ring the doorbell. After a few minutes, the door still hasn't opened so I ring the doorbell again. I removed my fingers from the doorbell and the door opens "Who on earth..." A middle-aged man, probably his father, who had opened the door said "Cameron?" He says "I'm sorry to bother you, Sir, I know it's late but Cameron clearly wasn't able to get home by himself." I chuckle "Daddy." Cameron says again. I chuckle and look at his father, he couldn't laugh. He pulled Cameron off my shoulder "What was he doing with you? At this time?" He asks "We were helping a friend, teenager trouble, I bet you know everything about that." I chuckle "Why is he acting like that? Did he drink?" He asks "Nah! He's just tired." I tell him "Maybe he just..." I was cut off by the door closing with a slam "You're welcome...I guess." I tell myself and walk back to the car with my hands in my pockets. I've never met an adult who was this rude towards me after I brought their kid home. Rude!

*The Next Day*

"I've got a Hangover." Brody whines and holds his head in his hands. I hand him a bottle of water and an aspirin "There. Next time you might want to think about how much you drink." I tell him "Haha really funny Cal." he says and swallows the aspirin. I look around us and noticed that "Has anyone seen Cameron today?" I ask "I don't care where he is, he's probably having more fun than us. Or he could be throwing up in his bathroom since he woke up this morning." Brody said "Oh, I almost forgot! Remember last night when Cameron was comforting you." I remind him "First of all, I don't really remember that. Second, he was drunk, he wasn't really paying attention to what he said or did." He says "Not all the time, and you were the one who brought the alcohol in the first place." I say "I didn't bring the alcohol, I found them in your kitchen. It's not my fault your parents keep those drinks in the fridge." He laughs "I don't remember them being in the fridge." I tell him "They weren't until I put them there." He says "You're unbelievable, honestly." I tell him.

A/N: Quick side note, peer pressure is not okay. Never do anything you don't want to do, no matter how good your friends are. And never smoke or drink (Don't drink too much). Any thoughts?

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