~37~ Moving on...not a good idea

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Third-Person POV

About two weeks later, things seemed normal again. Emily walled up to the table where Brody, Calvin, and Felix were sitting. She set her tray down on the table and sat in the chair next to Brody. "Good afternoon everyone, how is everyone here?" Emily questioned. "We're alright," Felix answered. Brody put his arm on the back of Emily's chair. "And how are you?" He asked her. "I'm quite alright, thank you for asking." She smiled at him. The three of them were chatting and eating lunch. Calvin on the other hand was just staring at someone that was sitting at another table. Emily noticed her ex-boyfriend wasn't focused on anything around him. She scooted closer to Brody. "Hello, pretty lady." Brody joked. Emily rolls her eyes at him. "What's wrong with, Calvin?" She whispered. Brody sighs and glances over his shoulder. "He's staring at David again." He sighs and turns around again. "David? Who's David?" Emily asked. Brody glanced at Felix. Felix shrugs making Brody sigh. "See that guy behind us?" He asked Emily. She slightly glanced over her shoulder to look at the guy behind them. She turned back to Brody. "That's David Walker." He tells her, "He's in our History class. He and Calvin are doing this project together, and Calvin is starting to like him." Brody explained. "Aww, that's cute," Emily said. Felix throws one of his fries at Calvin. He didn't even blink. He glared at Emily. "You call this cute? I call this creepy." Felix tells her. "Come on guys, you should be happy for him. He's finally moving on." Emily said. Brody folds his arms over each other and leans on the table. "Yeah I just didn't expect it to be with him," Brody said. Emily looked at Calvin and noticed a little smile on his face. This made Emily smile. She knows how hard things have been for Calvin. His last boyfriend cheated on him. Calvin was heartbroken when he found out. Emily felt really bad for him, right now she couldn't be happier to see him moving on. David seems like a nice guy. "Calvin? Calvin!" Emily said snapping Calvin out of his thoughts. He looks at her. "What?" He asked her. "Why don't you go over there and talk to him?" She asked him. Calvin blushed slightly and leaned back in his chair. "I don't know if I should." He tells her. "Oh come on!" She encouraged him. "What am I supposed to say to him? Besides, he's with all of his friends, I'm not going to embarrass myself in front of them." Calvin complained. Emily smiled at him. "Alright, but just so you know, I think you guys would look really cute together," Emily said. "Right!?" Calvin said.

On the other side of the cafeteria, Cameron and Blake sat at their own table. Cameron overheard their entire conversation about David. "Do you think he's handsome?" Cameron asked Blake. Blake glanced over his shoulder to take a better look at David. When he turned back to Cameron he shrugged. "I don't know. Why? Are you jealous or something?" Blake joked. Cameron chuckled. "No, I am not jealous. I just can't see why he likes him so much." Cameron admitted. "Maybe he's just a really nice guy," Blake said. Cameron shrugged and put a slice of cucumber in his mouth. "I don't really care anymore." He said. Blake looks at his friend. "You do realize you two are talking like you broke up, right?" Blake asked. "What?" Cameron said. Blake chuckled and folds his arms over each other and leans on the table. "You two fight like a couple," Blake tells him. "A couple?" Cameron questioned. "Come on, Dude, don't try to deny it," Blake said. "Deny what, exactly?" Cameron asked. "That you like Calvin," Blake said almost in a whisper. Cameron almost choked on his food. He coughed loudly which caused some people to look at him. He smiled awkwardly. "No worries, I'm fine." He said. As soon as people continued their own conversation, Cameron leans on the table. "You're joking, right?" He said. Blake shook his head. "I'm not." He said. "I like girls." Cameron reminded his friend. Blake rolls his eyes at the boy in front of him. "Dude, from everything you've told me I can tell you mean a lot to him. And he means a lot to you too." Blake said, "You two have been extremely close. Closer than normal people would be. What you two had was far more than a friendship." He added. Cameron shook his head. "You haven't been listening to me at all, have you?" He said to Blake. The younger boy chuckled. "I have, and because of that, I can tell you that you two have been dating without noticing," Blake said. Cameron leans back in his chair and folds his arms over his chest. "Listen, Calvin and I aren't in love with each other, and we're not in a relationship." Cameron tried to explain to the kid. "Then why did he kiss you?" Blake questioned. Cameron glared at him. "That was his fault, not mine. Besides, it didn't mean anything, it just happened." Cameron defended himself. Blake smiled at him. "Sounds like you're making excuses," Blake said and smirked at him. Cameron rolls his eyes at his friend again and started to ignore him. Blake's voice starts to fade away as soon as Cameron looked at Calvin at the other table. The more he started to think about it, the more he started to realize. He started to get lost in his thoughts...

"Sorry Dude, you okay bro?" He asks and helps me up. I nod "Yeah, sorry I wasn't paying attention. It was my fault." I say "No no, don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault. I have to say sorry...what's your name again?" He asks "Oh, it's Cameron. Cameron Anderson. I'm new here." I tell him "That explains why I haven't seen your handsome face before." He smiles. He picks up my keys from the floor and hands them to me "I'm Calvin Clayton. Welcome to our school." He smiles.

"I don't smoke! If my parents ever found out this will be the last time you ever see me!" I tell him. He laughs and hands me a lighter "They don't have to know." He smirks.

"I should probably go home, homework ya know." He says "We got homework?" I ask him. He nods and grabs his bag from the floor "Yeah, don't worry, I'll text you the answers." He says. I look at him confused "But-" I started but he cut me off "I copied the answers before I left. I got your back, Bro!" He says.

Calvin's eyes were closing. He lied his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around me. He snuggled into my chest. At first, I felt a little awkward, he's not my boyfriend and he isn't drunk. But he said earlier that his head still hurt a little. I'm okay with it. He smiled a little in his sleep. Kind of cute...

"What if you don't come back?" Calvin whispered. "Is that what you're afraid of? That I won't come back?" Cameron asked. Calvin nodded but never broke eye contact. This time Cameron glanced down at Calvin's lips. Calvin noticed this.
He leaned in and closed the gap between the both of them by pressing his lips against Cameron's.

"Who's this?" James asked his son. Cameron stepped away from Calvin. "No one." He mumbled. James walked towards them, holding a glass of liquor in his hand.
Cameron stood in front of Calvin.

Cameron glanced at Blake. "Oh my god." He whispered. Before Blake could say anything, Cameron looked at the table Calvin sat at. He saw him standing up and walking towards David. They smiled at each other and Calvin sat down. Cameron felt horrible. He now glanced at Brody who still sat at the table. Their eyes met. Brody gave him the 'I'm sorry' glance. Cameron turned back to Blake. "I am in love with him," Cameron said quietly. Blake nodded. "Shit." Cameron whispered

A/n: Any thoughts?

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