~38~ It Hurts

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Third-Person POV

About a week later, Cameron was still confused. He didn't understand. How could he fall for someone like Calvin? For a friend? For a guy?! He paced around in his room. "Could you please calm your butt cheeks for a minute?" Max's voice sounded from the laptop. Cameron glanced down at the device on his bed. "You're being dramatic," Max added. "I am not being dramatic. I'm confused and angry with myself. How could I fall in love with my friend?" Cameron asked, mostly himself, for the third time this minute. Max sighed, he knew his friend needed him right now. He wanted to hug him or just take his mind off Calvin for a minute. "Brenna was your friend. You fell in love with her." He reminds his friend. Cameron runs his hand through his hair. "Yeah, but look how that turned out." He said, "Of all the people I could fall in love with...and I fall in love with him." Cameron added. "Maybe It's not as bad as you think," Max tells him. Cameron glanced at the screen. "What do you mean?" He asked him. Max shrugged and clears his throat. "Well, I've read somewhere that when, mostly teenagers, go through a lot of changes, things like this might happen," Max tells him. "You read something?" Cameron asked his friend. Max chuckled at him. "Yes, I read something. But think about it. Everything that has happened...it all started when you moved away." Max tells him. "So you're saying this is probably just some sort of phase?" Cameron questioned. Max nodded. "It's possible. Don't worry about it, you'll probably see some pretty girl walking by and you'll fall in love all over again. And when you do, ask her if she has cute friends or a sister as well." Max smirked. Cameron chuckled and picked up the laptop. "Sure, Man." He said. He set the laptop down on his desk. He saw Max glancing at something at the door in his room back home. Max then glanced at Cameron on his screen. "Hey is it alright if I put you on hold for a second?" Max asked. "Sure," Cameron said. He stood up and sat on his bed and waited for Max to return. Max turned off his mic and camera...at least he thought he did. The mic and camera were still on. "I thought you were coming later." Cameron heard Max say. Cameron glanced up and saw a girl sitting on Max's lap. Her legs were so hot! They were perfect, just perfect. Cameron knew he had to tell his friend he could see and hear him, but he was too lost at the sight of the girl. "I missed you." He heard the girl say. The voice sounded familiar. Probably a girl from their old school or something. Cameron heard them kissing and even moaning a little bit. This was the moment Cameron had to tell Max the cam and mic were still on. He was about to when Max said something. "Brenna, stop that," Max said. "Brenna?!" Cameron yelled. "Cam?" Brenna said. "Cam, it's not what you think." Max started. Cameron closed his laptop with a slam and tossed it across the room. He puts his head in his hands. He received a notification. He grabbed his phone.

'Cam, I'm sorry. Can we please talk? I can explain everything.'

Max had texted him. Cameron refused to talk to his 'best friend' right now. How could he do this to him? And it doesn't make sense at all. Max was the one who told him about Brenna cheating. He was trying to support and help him get through all of it. Cameron started to think about what Max told him when Brenna cheated on him. He now could picture the face of the man that was kissing his girlfriend. His baby girl. Cameron's phone kept going off. He was so angry he tossed it at a wall. The phone fell and the screen now had a small crack in it. Luckily for Cameron, he had a protective layer over his screen. It hurts seeing them like that. Max knew that it would hurt him, and yet, he still did it.

Meanwhile, Calvin was walking down the street with David. "I liked that part where he tricked the other guy. Like not the fact that he tricked him, but how he did it." David said. Calvin laughed. "That was hilarious." He admitted. David smiled at him as he laughed. On the outside, David didn't show much emotion, but on the inside, his heart was beating like crazy. David has always thought Calvin was handsome, even before he had come out of the closet. Calvin never really tried to get to know David before. He had his own friends and Calvin had his. The two boys were walking towards Calvin's house. They stood still on the sidewalk. Calvin glanced behind him before looking back at David. "This is me." He tells him. David put his hands in his pockets and glanced down at his feet. "What's wrong?" Calvin asked him. David shrugged and looked at Calvin again. "I don't know. I just...I really enjoyed myself today, I just didn't think it would have to end so soon." David tells him, "It's stupid, I know." He said. Calvin shook his head. "No, it's not. I had fun today as well." Calvin said, "My parents are gone and my sister is with a friend. You can come in if you want." Calvin suggests. David's cheeks darkened slightly. "S-sure." He said quietly. Calvin grasps David's hand and leads him towards the front door. He was about to unlock the door when he was turned around and felt soft lips against his own. Calvin smiled into the kiss and puts his hand on David's neck. But their kiss was quickly broken by a loud bang that echoed on the streets. It sounded like a gunshot. "What was that?" Calvin whispered. David glanced to his right, where the sound came from. "Help! Someone help!!" Someone yelled. Both Calvin and David ran towards the screams for help. When they arrived, there were a couple of people gathered together. "What happened?" David asked them. One man walked towards them. "A boy has been shot." He tells them. Calvin glanced down at the body on the ground. "Oh my god-" He said and quickly kneeled down next to him. "Blake...no...no..." Calvin whispered. Blake glanced at Calvin. "C-Calvin..." the words barely came out of his mouth. Calvin holds his hand and puts his other hand over the wound. "Someone call a fucking ambulance!" He yelled at the people around him. Blake was gasping for air. Blood was dripping out of the wound, Calvin was unable to stop the bleeding. He glanced down at Blake. "Who did this to you?" Calvin asked. Blake just shook his head, no words came out. Calvin noticed his eyes slowly starting to close. "Blake...Blake! Listen, buddy, you have to stay awake. Do you hear me? Do not close those eyes!" Calvin told him. He had put his other hand over the wound. "It hurts," Blake whispered and closed his eyes. "Blake?" Calvin said. Blake didn't respond. Tears started to roll from his eyes. "Blake, buddy, you have to open your eyes. Blake!" Calvin yelled as tears leaked from his eyes. Blake's dead...

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