~53~ Sleeping Pills

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Cameron sat against the headboard of his bed, while Calvin lied on his chest. "So, yesterday I had this thought-" Calvin started. Cameron glanced down at his boyfriend. "If I was a duck, would I be able to swim faster than I do now? Because I have bigger legs than a duck, so I would be able to...ya know...push the water away faster." Calvin said.
Cameron laughed at him. "And why would you think of that?" He asked him. "I honestly have no idea. These thoughts just come from time to time. But what do you think?" Calvin questioned. Cameron puts one of his hands behind his head and the other one in Calvin's hair.
"I don't think you will ever become a duck." Cameron chuckled.
Calvin rolls his eyes at him. "You're not helping here." He tells him.
Cameron sits up. "And you're adorable. I'll go get us some drinks." He said. He was about to stand up when Calvin stopped him and pecked his lips.
Cameron smiled at him and tried to get up again. But Calvin pulled him back once more and kissed him again. Cameron smiled and put his hands on his cheek as he kissed back. Cameron pushed him off gently. "Can I please get some drinks?" He chuckled.
Calvin pouted at him. "I'll be right back, bubs, but we have to stay hydrated." Cameron said and got up from his bed. He through the hall and down the stairs.
He walked straight to the kitchen. He pulled two glasses from a cupboard and filled them with some juice. He glanced over his shoulder to check if no one was watching.
He pulled out a small package and put one of the sleeping pills into one of the glasses. He waited for the pill to dissolve in the liquid.
As he waited, he glanced outside the kitchen window.
"What's he doing here?" He whispered. His mother glanced up from her workspot at the table. "What is it, honey?" She asked him.
"Don't worry about it. Just stay here." He tells his mother. 

He walked towards the front door and opened it. Brody stood a couple of feet away, arms folded over his chest. "I'm starting to think you're stalking me." Cameron said. Brody shrugged.
"I'm not. I'm just checking in on my friends." He said making Cameron chuckle. "We're friends?" He asked him.
"If it keeps you from doing anything to Calvin? Then yeah." Brody replied. Cameron stepped out of his house. "You're never going to let this go, are you?" He questioned.
"How could I? Your father was an abusive and mulipulative son of a bitch,
your mother can't think straight, why would you be any different?" Brody asked him.
Cameron bit the inside of his cheek trying to stay calm. That's when Calvin appeared behind them in the doorway.
"Brody? What are you doing here?" Calvin asked him.
"Nothing, babe, he was just leaving." Cameron tells him. Brody rolls his eyes at Cameron. "Calvin-" Brody started. "Brody, what are you doing here?" Calvin asked again, "To 'protect' me? Or to stalk me?" Calvin asked him. Brody rolls his eyes at him.
"Calvin, I just want to warn you. Can't you see how fucking toxic this relationship is?" Brody asked his best friend. "You're just jealous you can't have what we have." Calvin snapped at him. He put on his shoes and walked out of the doorway and towards his best friend.
"You think I'm jealous? Really?" Brody questioned.
"Yes, that's what I think." Calvin answered. Brody had a confused expression on his face. "Come on, Calvin, you know me better than that." Brody replied. "Do I? Because, for the last couple of months all you could do was accuse my boyfriend and stalk me. It's like you're obsessed with me or something. Can't you go and stalk Felix or something?" Calvin asked him. 
Brody chuckled at him.
"Okay, I don't know what this is, but you can stop pretending now." He tells his best friend. "Brody, just admit it, you're jealous of Cameron and I. You don't have to be ashamed of it, just stop trying to be so protective over me. I can take care of myself." Calvin tells him. Brody chuckled again. "Really? You can take care of yourself?" Brody questioned. Calvin nodded and folded his arms over his chest.
"Fine, I'll let your 'boyfriend' drug you then. Have fun." Brody added holding up both of his hands. He turned around to walk away when Calvin stopped him. "What?" He asked. That's when Emily and Felix finally arrived. While panting, Emily looked at the three boys and realized what just happened. "We're too late aren't we?" She questioned. The three nodded. "Continue." She said while trying to catch her breath.
"What is he talking about?" Calvin asked Cameron.  Brody turned around and pointed at Cameron. "Felix saw him buying sleepingpills. Pills that can make you go unconscious for a while or something." Brody informs him.
Calvin looked at Cameron. "Is that true?" He asked him. "No! Of course not! Why would you think that, bubs?" Cameron asked him. "He's lying." Brody interrupted,
"He always has. Do you really think someone can switch that quickly from being straight to BI or gay?" Brody questioned. Calvin took a step back.

"Cameron?" He said. Cameron chuckled awkwardly. "He's trying to get between us, bubs, don't listen to him." He tells his boyfriend grabbing his hands,
"I love you." he added. "Bullshit. Cal, I know I haven't always been honest, but this is for real man. I know you're happy. I would never try to take your happiness, you know that. You're my brother, Calvin...please believe me." Brody tells him. Cameron chuckled and pulled Calvin closer. "He doesn't...right?" He questioned. Calvin didn't answer. He just pushed himself away from the boy. Cameron started to chuckle. "You believe him? Really?" He asked. "I don't know what to believe." Calvin answered. Cameron rubbed his nose.
"Well, then I'm very sorry it had to come to this." He said. Calvin just watched as he stepped closer. Cameron smiled at him and brushed some of Calvin's hairs from his forehead. "I love you, I really do." He informs Calvin making him smile,
"But my plan's kinda ruined now." He said and forcefully grabbed Calvin's neck. He stood behind Calvin, holding his neck tightly. "Let him go." Brody said.
"Two minutes, Brody. Two minutes! Two minutes and everything would had gone as planned!" Cameron exclaimed. Emily ran towards them, but Brody quickly stopped her. "You're choking him!" Emily exclaimed. "That's the point, sweetheart." Cameron said.
"Why are you doing this?" Brody asked him. "I want juistuce for my friend. He had him killed, and now he must pay the price." Cameron explained.
"I-I didn't." Calvin choked out. "Cameron, he can't breathe. Let him go." Brody said. "No! Not until he confessed he did it!" Cameron exclaimed.
"B-but I d-didn't." Calvin choked out again. "He didn't do it! I did!" Felix exclaimed making everyone look at him. "I did it..." He repeated. 

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