~54~ Get away from me

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Out of shock, Cameron let go of Calvin. Brody glanced at Felix. "What?" He questioned. Felix glanced down at his feet. "I...k-killed Blake." He said quietly. "B-but how?" Calvin questioned. But Brody holds up one of his hands while still glancing at Felix. He sighed loudly. "Oh, Felix." He said sadly. "What?" Cameron asked. Brody sighed and looked at Calvin before glancing at Cameron. "Felix is schizophrenia. He has to take antipsychotics. They ease symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. These drugs work on chemicals in the brain such as dopamine and serotonin. But Felix, being Felix, forgets to take them from time to time." He explained and turned to Felix, "What happened?" He asked. Felix bit his bottom lip slightly before starting to talk. "I didn't know it was Blake..." Felix started.
Blake walked on the streets all by himself. He checked his phone to make sure he still had time before his mother would start to worry. He quickly puts his phone back into his jacket and puts his hands in his pockets. "It was a dark night. The clouds were in front of the moon, dimming its moonlight." Felix explained, "I was walking on the streets...and I saw this person walking towards me at a quick pace." Felix explained. The young boy glanced around. He smiled at some people who walked by. When he looked into the distance, he spotted a familiar someone. It was Felix. He waved at the teenager. But he didn't wave back. He didn't even smile. Blake found this a little unusual, so he walked up to him. "I didn't know what to do. I thought they were going to attack me." Felix tells them as he relives that night. "Felix? What are you doing?" Blake questioned as the other boy came closer to him? Blake noticed something in his hand. Something black but still noticeable, probably caused by the moonlight. "It was self-defense," Felix whispered, "And I didn't realize what was happening until it was too late." He added. Blake's screams and cries were replaying in his head. Now, much louder than usual. Felix was haunted by his actions. Calvin also started to relive the night as Felix spoke.

Calvin smiled into the kiss and puts his hand on David's neck. But their kiss was quickly broken by a loud bang that echoed on the streets. It sounded like a gunshot. "What was that?" Calvin whispered. David glanced to his right, where the sound came from. "Help! Someone help!!" Someone yelled. Both Calvin and David ran towards the screams for help. When they arrived, there were a couple of people gathered together. "What happened?" David asked them. One man walked towards them. "A boy has been shot." He tells them. Calvin glanced down at the body on the ground. "Oh my god-" He said and quickly kneeled down next to him. "Blake...no...no..." Calvin whispered. Blake glanced at Calvin. "C-Calvin..." the words barely came out of his mouth. Calvin holds his hand and puts his other hand over the wound. "Someone call a fucking ambulance!" He yelled at the people around him. Blake was gasping for air. Blood was dripping out of the wound, Calvin was unable to stop the bleeding. He glanced down at Blake. "Who did this to you?" Calvin asked. Blake just shook his head, no words came out. Calvin noticed his eyes slowly starting to close. "Blake...Blake! Listen, buddy, you have to stay awake. Do you hear me? Do not close those eyes!" Calvin told him. He had put his other hand over the wound. "It hurts," Blake whispered and closed his eyes. "Blake?" Calvin said. Blake didn't respond. Tears started to roll from his eyes. "Blake, buddy, you have to open your eyes. Blake!" Calvin yelled as tears leaked from his eyes. Blake's dead...

"He died because of me," Felix repeated. "We have to tell someone," Calvin said. Felix shook his head. Brody glanced at his friend. "Don't worry, Felix, we will explain everything. Nothing will happen to you, nothing horrible at least. We won't let it happen." Brody assures him. Cameron stepped closer to Calvin. "I think I owe you an apology." He said awkwardly. Calvin turned and glared at him. "I don't want your apology. You were going to drug me nearly ten minutes ago! I don't want you to get near me, my family, or my friends ever again! I'm going to get my sister and get out of here, and I never want to see you again!" Calvin exclaimed and stormed back into Cameron's house. He soon returned with his sister on his arm. "You know, I wished your father would've been here.  Can't imagine what he would've done to you. But I bet it would've satisfied me." Calvin said and left with his friends and sister.

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