~20~ I don't want to choose

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Calvin POV
"Calvin, Honey, what's going on? You haven't spoken a word since you came home last night." Mom said. I just sigh and lie my face on my pillow "Just when I thought things were going well it all went wrong!" I say. I felt the warmth of my mother's hand on my back "Honey, talk to me, I want to help you." She says. I look at her "Brody is acting weird again. He told that new guy Cameron to stay away from me." I tell her, "He just wants to keep me all to himself!" I say. She smiles softly "I'm sure he's just trying to help you." She says. I glare at her "But Cameron is new! Brody should not be treating him like this." I tell her. She sighs "Being the New Kid isn't easy. Not just for the newbie." She tells me "Give Brody some space and some time." She tells me. I sigh again "I want to, but all he does is trying to push Cameron away from me. Cameron is my friend and I don't want him to be all alone, that's just wrong." I say quietly. My mother slowly rubs my back as I continued "I just don't know what to do. Two friends who don't get along but both want to spend time with me. One of them is my best friend, he has been for almost...forever. And then there's the new guy, I've only known him for a couple of weeks but he's so friendly and so not like me." I chuckle, "I have the feeling like I have to choose between them...I can't do that." I tell my mother.

She helps me to sit up straight "Calvin, you don't have to choose. Why don't you talk to them? Maybe they'll understand." She says. I shake my head "I already tried but it didn't make anything any better. It made things even worse." I tell her. She pushes some strains of my hair out of my face "Keep trying. Like you just said, Brody has been your best friend for as long as you can remember, I'm sure he will understand. And if you tell him you have the feeling that you have to choose between your two friends, I'm sure he will do anything to make that feeling disappear." She tells me. I nod slowly "Alright, I'll talk to them." I say, "Thanks, Mom." She smiles and pulls me into a tight hug. She breaks our hug and stands up "Get dressed, you have to go to school." she says. I groan "Do I have to?" I ask her. She nods "Yes, I'm going to make us some breakfast." She says. As she left my room, Charlie ran inside "Cal! Cal! Cal!" She screams. I rub my eyes "What is it? Why are you screaming?" I ask her. She grabs my arm and tries to pull me with her "I want to show you something!" She says. I chuckle "Can I at least dress myself?" I ask her. She shakes her head "NO!" She says.

I get out of bed and walk towards my closet "I'll be right there." I tell Charlie. She pouts as she sits on my bed. I replace my grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt with a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie. Charlie grabbed my hand again and pulled me along with her through the hallway. We walk into the kitchen and she grabs a piece of paper off the table. She holds it up "It's you and me." She said showing me her drawing. I smiled at how cute she was. I kiss her cheek "It's beautiful, Charlie." I tell her. She giggles and continues to draw. Then the doorbell rang. My mother looks at me "Honey, could you take that please?" she asks. I nod "Sure." and walk towards the front door. I opened it slowly revealing Cameron. He smiled weakly as he tried to keep his eyes open "Hey, you ready to go?" He said. I looked at him confused "Dude, we have one hour left." I tell him. He groans "Shit." he said quietly. I step outside "Man, you look terrible. How much sleep did you get?" I ask him. He shrugs "I don't know...maybe one or two hours." He said. I shook my head "You should go home and get some sleep, I can cover for you." I tell him. He shakes his head "No no, you don't have to, I'm going." He said. I sigh "At least get one hour of sleep, you can sleep in my room." I tell him.

He shook his head again "No, it's fine, I can go back home and-" He started. I cut him off "No, come on." I say and pull him inside. I take him to the kitchen "Uh Mom?" I say. She turns her head to look at me "Yes Honey? Oh, who's this?" she asks. I glance at Cameron "This is Cameron." I tell her. She smiles and shakes his hand "Hello Cameron, it's so nice to finally meet You, Calvin has told us about you." She said. He smiled back "It's very nice to meet you too Mrs. Clayton." he says. My mother laughs "Honey, don't call me that, call me Lucy." She said. He nodded slowly "A-alright." He says. I put a hand on his shoulder "His little sister kept him up all night, is it alright if he sleeps in my room? Just one hour." I tell my mother. She nods "Of course." She says. I smile and lead him up to my room

A/n: Any thoughts?

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