~3~ Daddy's Home

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Calvin POV
"What's up?" I ask my best friend Brody "Dude, you know exactly why I wanted to talk to you." He says "No, I honestly don't know. But I would really appreciate it if you tell me, you sound a little worried." I say "Because I am a little worried. About you." He says. I look at him confused "Me? What should be wrong with me?" I ask him "Dude, you know what I am talking about." he says "No I don't." I tell him "I really don't! What should be wrong?" I ask him "You're already having a thing for the newbie?" He asks "What?" I say "No no no, I do not have a thing for him!" "You sure, bro? 'Cause it's kinda obvious." He says. I chuckle "I do not have a thing for him. How could I? About a month ago I was still madly in love with someone else. I don't fall in love that easily." I tell him "How are you so sure about that? You only ever had one real love interest." He reminds me "I've had crushes!" I tell him "They weren't serious. Just be honest Man." He says "I am! I promise!" I tell him. He sighs and laughs a little bit "I can't believe you sometimes." He chuckles. Together we walk back to the table. 

Cameron is standing right where I left him, standing in silence, and the other's were just looking at each other. I broke the silence "So? Are we going to talk or did we lose our tongues?" they all shrug "Let's start over. This is Cameron, our new friend." I tell them "Hey." Some of them said. I sigh and sit down. Cameron sits down next to me "So do you...like video games?" Felix asks "Uh yeah!" Cameron says. I could see the smile appearing on his face as he started talking with the other guys. Brody never said anything. I wonder why he doesn't. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Cameron. He's just the new kid. 

*Time Skip*

Cameron POV
I opened the front door and walked into my house "Anyone home?" I call "Cammy!!" I hear Clarke's voice scream as she runs towards me. I smile and pick her up giving her a hug "You're back!" She says happily. My mother walks in as well "Honey, how was your first day of school?" She asks kissing my cheek "Kinda nice. I already made some friends." I tell her as I set Clarke down "I'm so proud of you." She says and gives me a hug "Cammy? Do you want to play with me and Mr. Bubbles?" Clarke asks and holds up her Teddy Bear "Of course." I chuckle and walk after her "Cameron." My mother says. I look back at her "Yes?" I ask a little worried "How did it go with the car?" She asks "Really good. Thanks again, mom." I smile. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket to hand them back to my mother but she refuses "It's yours." She tells me. My mouth fell open "M-Mine?" I ask her "Yes, you've earned it. Besides, your father and I can't take you to school every morning anymore. You're old enough." She says. I hug her tightly "Thanks, mom." I kiss her cheek before rushing to the living room. 

Clarke was on the floor playing with her toys. I sit down next to her "Cammy, Mr. Bubbles asks when Daddy is coming home." She says "I don't know when he's coming home. I guess we'll have to wait for him to come home." I tell her. Right after I finished my sentence, the door swung open and my father walked in. He looks angry, probably because he had a bad day. His eyes meet mine "Son, stand up!" He commands. I quickly get up and stand in front of him. He stands up as well "Were you playing with dolls? You are far too old for that." He says "Father, I was just..." He cuts me off "And tell me, why was my father's car out of the garage?" He asks "I took it, Father." I say "You did now?" He says. My father gets angry very quickly, sadly he always takes it out on me and sometimes on Clarke "You're such a disappointment." He says "Father I'm so..." He cuts me off by slapping me. Shit, Clarke is still in the room...I can hear her crying. My father looks at her "If you don't stop crying you get one too!" He yells. She's trying her best to stop crying. He looks back at me and gives me two other slaps "And you have to be a son of mine." he says really disappointed and turning away from me "Mom gave me the keys to the car." I tell him. He turns around, looking even angrier "Blaming your mother now huh?" He asks. He takes off his belt and swings it at me. And again. And again. I fall onto the floor.  Clarke starts crying again "Cammy!" she says. I can see my father walking towards her. Before he could hit her I pulled her into my chest so he hits my back. He groans and walks out of the room leaving me with my crying little sister.

A/N: Any thoughts on the chapter?

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