Hold Me

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"Am I interrupting something here?" said a cold voice that sent a chill down Kongpob's spine.

To an onlooker, it would look like there was indeed something intimate going on here, with a girl wrapped around him. Unfortunately for him, the one to find them was none other than his short-tempered boyfriend.


Came a loud whine. Correction-two loud whines. One voice belonged to him. Shocked at hearing Arthit's voice, he had dropped the seven heavy reference books he was carrying on his and the strange girl's legs, earning her yelp.

"Ouch, my leg!"

"Crap! Nong, are you alright?" Kongpob asked, squatting down next to the girl who was holding her left foot, trying hard to not scream in pain as her eyes teared up.

"You think, P'?"

"Well, sorry, but seeing P'Arthit here, I was shocked."

"You and I both! He is scary."

"When you knew that, why did you...?"

"Me?? P' you asked me?"


"Well, you were the one to ask me to hold you..."

"I have heard enough of this shit!" Arthit stomped off. Kongpob got up hurriedly, limping slightly, as he chased behind his pissed lover.

"Kong..." Tew saw him limping towards the exit.

"Tew... Reference Section, Aisle 3... Help the nong..." Kong said, rushing past a confused Tew.

Just as he exited the library, he saw his lover standing at the base of steps, his fists clenching and unclenching. Treading slowly, he walked up to his irate lover and softly called from behind,


He whipped his head around to glare at him. But seeing Kongpob limp upset him, and his ire calmed a bit.

"P'Arthit! It's nothing like it looked like!"

"Then what did I see, Kongpob? You do know that the reference section is famous for confessions and make-out sessions, right?" Arthit asked, calmly, scaring Kongpob. He gulped.

Raising his hands in surrender, he limped closer and stopped at arm's length.

"P', trust me! It was nothing like what you are thinking. I was getting back with the books when this girl cornered me and told me about what a big fan she is and wanted a selfie with me."

"And did that entail hugging her?" Arthit asked, sarcasm dripping from his words.

"I wasn't holding her, P'. She was!" Kong rushed to explain.

"Not helping Kong. Since when was it alright for girls to hug you?"

"Hold on, P," taking a deep breath to calm himself, he continued, "When she cornered me, I was struggling to balance the books, and I needed a moment to place the book before posing for the selfie. I was flustered by her gushing... So... So between 'Hold on for a moment,' and 'Give me a minute,' I ended up saying 'Hold me for a minute'..." his voice trailed off as he stood there looking sheepish, scratching his hair.

"And she did?"

"And she did!" Kongpob confirmed nervously.

Arthit looked at Kongpob. With disbelief! Staring incredulously, until he burst out laughing. So hard, he had to sit on the steps, grabbing his sides as they had started to hurt. Kongpob stood confused until he too joined Arthit.

"Idiot! Let's go!" he said when the laughing fit got under control.

"Umm... I need to get my bag, P'."

"Well, you are not going alone."

They found his group taking care of the junior.

"Nong, how is your leg?"

"It's okay, P'. Much better," the girl replied, squirming under Arthit's direct stare.

"Umm, P'Arthit, I am sorry... I mean, I know about you and P'Kongpob..."

"Then why?"

"I couldn't miss the chance, P'. I knew he didn't mean it, but I couldn't let the opportunity to hold him slip by," came her cheeky reply.

"Next time, Nong, be careful about the opportunities you pounce on. Let's go, Kong," came Arthit's cold warning, and the girl nodded, nervous, all her cockiness abandoning her.


"Umm P', how do you know that the reference section is used for making out?" Kong asked suddenly. They were heading towards the dorm slowly as Kongpob's leg still hurt.

Arthit stopped short!

"Kong, I want pink milk. You want coffee? Go to the room, I will get it." Arthit whipped around and started to power walk in the opposite direction.

"P'Arthit! You come back right here... How do you know? P'... " Kongpob followed, limping behind his boyfriend.


Note: Based on a funny incident I had read online.

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