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I am supposed to be studying for my finals! Yet, here I am, writing perteeny tales which will not fetch me any marks! #MyLifePriorities 😰😅


Tears welled up his eyes as he felt his throat constrict. Words were stuck. He couldn't utter anything, disbelief marring his features. Is this it? Is this what his love amounted to? After giving and doing so much, as he neared his end, taking in his last breaths, his lover wouldn't even spare him a few words of sympathy and love.

"P'Arthit... why?"

Arthit looked at him blankly. He was seated next to him in a chair, casually reading his favorite manga while he was literally lying there on his death bed.

 He was seated next to him in a chair, casually reading his favorite manga while he was literally lying there on his death bed

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"What why?"

As he tried to reply, a sharp pain shooting through his abdomen stopped him from saying his last few words. He whined in pain. His stomach hurt. His body ached, and he felt like his head would burst. The pain throbbing in his head was akin to a hundred Oompa Loompas playing drums inside, making it impossible for him to focus on any coherent thought. 


Why was his time so short? 

He was young! 

He was virile. 

Then why him? 

Why so soon? 

Teardrops slipped from the sides of his eyes and went down, leaving a wet, uncomfortable trail on his face and ears. With shaking hands, he wiped the wetness before reaching for the glass of water kept next to him. It may be his last sip.

Thankfully his lover was still not as heartless. He supported his head and held the glass while Kongpob downed the last few sips of his life. The water tasted heavenly. Maybe in his last minutes, he should be grateful for his life, for these small mercies. He did live a good life until now. If only... if only his lover was a bit kinder, he lamented.

"Tell my family, I love them very much. Thank them on my behalf for giving me this life," tears spilled again as he said these words, regrets flooding him.

"Tell them yourself!"

"My friends..."

"Enough, Kongpob," Arthit stopped him sternly. He had enough of this.

"Why can't you say it, P'? One last time? Say you love me. Let me leave in peace."

"Oh god, Kongpob! Will you shut the fuck up! For the last time... YOU. ARE. NOT. DYING!!!"

"But, P'. I..."

"You what? Have stomach pain, body ache, have a terrible headache, and high temperature?" He nodded slowly, every action feeling more painful than the other.

"You have stomach flu, Kongpob. You are not dying!" Arthit said, exasperated with his lover. 

Initially, Arthit had freaked out seeing Kongpob in so much pain, but a trip to the doctors had assured him that his junior was indeed alright, albeit the infection. Relieved, Arthit had been tending to his lover since the previous night, and in the process, discovered what a drama queen Kongpob could be when sick. He had found it funny initially, but truthfully his constant whining was irritating him now.

With a sad face, Kongpob looked at his lover's angry face. Why did he not understand his pain and suffering? He knew he was dying. Heartbroken, his face reflected his pain.

"But... but I know my body!" Kongpob countered.

"Yeah? So does the doctor. And he is far more qualified than us to know what is wrong with you."

"But..." Chuckling tiredly, Arthit climbed next to Kongpob and pulled him into his embrace. Kongpob was clingy and needed his attention, and it's better to give him that, or he may make himself sicker with his theatrics.

Kissing his forehead tenderly, he said,

"Kong, I promise you. You are not dying. You only have a bad case of stomach flu, hence you are feeling so miserable. You will get better in 2-3 days. When you get better, you can thank your family and friends and tell them all how much you love them, okay?"

"You promise?" he asked, looking up with big, trusting eyes.

"I promise. Now sleep, Kong. Rest and get better soon."

"But do I have to get better to tell you I love you?" Arthit smiled softly. When did his lover become such a baby?

"I love you, Kongpob. Sleep!" Arthit assured him, pulling him closer.

"Will I get a reward if I sleep?"

"Hmmm," Arthit hummed his reply.

"Do I really have to sleep now to get my reward? Can't I get it first? As an incentive?"

"Still cheesy as ever. Yet, you were convinced that you were dying a couple of minutes ago," Arthit asked, his eyebrows cocked.

"Yes, but your love brought me back to life. Now I need life force to sustain myself."


"Please, P'!" Kongpob begged, puckering his lips, closing his eyes. Arthit whacked his lips lightly, earning a loud whine.

"P' Arthit... Why? Why are you this mean? Don't you see how sick I am? I am so close to death here, and you can't show me even a little bit of kindness. Where is your compassion P'Art.. umph..."

Arthit silenced him with a kiss. It was easier to give in rather than deal with a whiny Kongpob.

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Note: Dedicated to my childhood drama queen bestie, who celebrated her birthday yesterday. The whiny Kongpob is based on her. She was a terror to deal with when sick. She drove everyone around her up the wall, convinced she is dying. The only way to calm her was to get a doctor to examine her. Now that I think about it, maybe even a veterinarian would do. As long as she knew it was a doctor, she would be fine. The transformation would be magical. Phew! She loved the drama!🤣🤣😅😅

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