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Cr: Urban Dictionary

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Cr: Urban Dictionary

Kongpob and Tew joined the seniors who were being their boisterous selves at the study table in the common area. Kongpob sat next to Arthit, who looked relaxed and happy for some reason.

Kongpob quickly pulled out his book to ask his seniors about a particular problem when Arthit leaned in close and whispered, "Kong, want some kisses!"

Kongpob dropped his pen, which rolled away. Stunned, he looked at Arthit and then the other seniors who were busy doing their work.

"P'Arthit! What...?"

"You want? Kisses?" A stupid grin spread across his face. Did Arthit mean it?

Was Arthit finally opening up?

Was he really open to PDA? He was sure Arthit only maybe meant a peck, but hell yeah, he wanted it.

"Yes, P'. How can I say no to kisses?" he leaned in closer, presenting his cheek to his senior only to have something stuffed in his mouth.


What the hell? Chocolate? Arthit had stuffed some four-five pieces, and Kongpob struggled to chew it.

Arthit guffawed seeing Kongpob's expression, and the friends looked up.

"Don't tell me he pranked Kongpob?" Prem asked, surprised.

"Enjoy your kisses, Kong! Haha!"

"Enjoy your kisses, Kong! Haha!"

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"P'Arthit... not fair! You wait..." he mumbled with the chocolate stuffed in his mouth as he leaned closer, but Arthit was faster. Pushing him hard, he ran, closely followed by his junior. Like two kids at a playground, they ran around, shrieking and screaming, completely forgetting the fact that they were not alone.

Shaking his head, Knot said, "Who will say he is a Head Hazer?"

"Or an intern at a big company," Bright added.

"Shut it, asshole. It was your idea, after all, that we have to see these two lovesick fools behave like kids," Toota chided.

Curious, Tew asked, "Idea?"

"Yes! You see, Nong, I have come up with this brilliant idea. I will approach girls that I like and ask them if they want kisses. If they are okay, I get to kiss them, and if not, before they slap me, I will hand them this chocolate so that they think they misunderstood me. Genius, aren't I?"

Tew stared at Bright. His face blank.

"You are contemplating your life choices right now, aren't you, N'Tew?" Knot asked seriously.

"Yes, P'! I think I joined the wrong university."


Kisses anyone? 🤣🤣🤣

Kisses anyone? 🤣🤣🤣

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My madness is ⬆️📈! 🤪🤪🤪🤪


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