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"P'Arthit! If you had to choose between chocolate or me, what would you choose?"

Kongpob asked, lying on his front, his hands cradling his face while he sat staring at his lover, who was busy reading a comic.

"Chocolate!" Kongpob made a face. He didn't like the answer one bit. Arthit didn't even blink or move a muscle before replying.

"If it's between nomyen and me?"

"Nomyen," the frown was becoming pronounced now.

"Between your friends and me? Who would you choose?"

Stop Kong, he thought. Why was he behaving like those insecure brats? It was not him-to ask such questions, to make such demands.

"My friends," his heart broke a bit.

"Between sex and me?"


Kongpob felt deflated. Did he matter so little to Arthit? He sat silently, trying to control the pain he was feeling from hearing Arthit blasé replies.

Arthit was still lying beside him, holding the comic high and reading like what he said no difference to him. When Kongpob turned away from him, hiding his face, Arthit smirked. His signature tilt of the lips, the smirk that he was known for.

Putting the book down, he spooned Kongpob, and kissing his ears, he said,

"Chocolates, because you are the only one who buys them for me.

"Nomyen, again, cuz you are the only one who goes through all the trouble of bringing it for me every single day.

"Sex, because it's only you that I can do it with. It's only you who owns my body after me. Only you who can bring me the pleasure that I didn't know was physically possible to experience.

"My friends because, aside from being my lover, you are my best friend, Kong. It's with you that I can share things that I have not shared with anyone. It's with you that I can be myself."

Smiling bright, Kongpob turned around. He was still not done.

"Between you and me, who would you choose?"

"Simple! I will choose myself!"


"Because I need to take care of myself well so that I can look after you better and live a long healthy life with you!"

Kongpob grabbed him in a bone-crushing hug rolling over him, raining kisses while Arthit kept screaming, "Kongpob enough!" chuckling!


Note: Something short to tide us over yesterday's news!

Stay strong my lovelies. Fighting! Even I am trying my best to come out of it.



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