Happy 265th Birthday Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! + What I Look Like!

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Hello there everybody! Noel is back again, for ANOTHER Special Event today! And Oh My God, IS THIS A REALLY SPECIAL ONE!!! Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one of my FAVOURITE MUSICIANS OF ALL TIME, IS 265 TODAY!!!!!!!!!! IS THAT CRAZY OR WHAT!? We have known and Loved this Man for 265 YEARS!!!!!!!!!! HOLY MOLY IS THIS DAY HUGE!!!!!!!!!! Not only that, but we've also got a lot more to go get to today like, "Why isn't The 100/200 Follower Special here yet?" And "How I got 100/2000 Followers so quickly?"And OF COURSE, what I look like! So we've got a lot of stuff to go through today, so let's get started! :D

So before we get to all the Crazy Partying with Wolfie and stuff, we need to first go over two questions I'm sure many of you have for me, the more important one of the two is, Why isn't The 100/200 Follower Special here yet? Which of course, I'll go over right now. The reason why The 100/200 Follower Special isn't here yet because, well, notice how I said "100/200 Follower Special"? Well, that title pretty much tells you everything you need to know. My Follower Count has been bouncing back and fourth between the 100's Collum, and the 200's Collum, so the reason why I haven't done my 100/200 Follower Special yet is because my Follower Count keeps changing massively! So until I can get a permanent Follower Count The 100/200 Follower Special will have to wait.

In fact, this brings me to the second question I'm sure a lot of you guys are asking, How I got my 100/200 Followers so quickly? Well, I do not know the EXACT explanation for why my Follower Count suddenly SKY ROCKETED, but I do have some Theories. The first Theory goes back to January 23rd, when someone named HaraBegonLum27 Followed me, and he has a total of 20'000 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!!! HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!! Because he's such a Popular Guy, let alone the fact that he's Followed a total of 40'000 THOUSAND PEOPLE, I'm sure a lot of them also look into the people he Follows, and Follows them too. Which brings me to my second Theory, a lot of the people who have been BOOSTING up my Follower Count are Turkish People. 

Fun Fact, one of the Birthday Boy's most famous Musical Pieces EVER is his 11th Piano Sonata, "Rondo Alla Turca" Which is Italian for TURKISH Rondo or TURKISH March! So there you go all my Turkish Friends, you all get to Dance at the Birthday Party Tonight, because the Birthday Boy, will play his infamous "Turkish March"! ;) XD 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷

Anyways, getting back to my second Theory, I think the reason why a lot of Turkish People are Following me, is not only because of HaraBegunLum27, but I'm pretty sure I've also fallen into the arms of a huge Community consisting of Turkish People, this would also explain the reason why my Follower Count is going up and down at the same time, when most of these Turkish People Follow me, they think that I would be in the same Community as them, or at least have something for them, but of course, I am a part of The Object Show and The South Park Communities, and I don't speak Turkish, I speak English, so when the Turkish people realize that I'm not who they thought I was, they just quietly leave the parking lot. XD

So those are my two Theories as to why my Follower Count has been so unstable lately, this has also happened to other people as well. So it would make sense. :P

But anyways, those were the two questions I wanted to get out of the way, Why isn't my 100/200 Follower Special here yet, and Why I got 100/200 Followers so quickly. So you're welcome for all of your Answers, so let's get STRAIGHT to The Party! :D

.......... Wow.......... 265 Years People.......... 265 YEARS.......... THAT IS A MILESTONE FOR MOZART!!!!!!!!!! This Magical Musical God, also The World's Most Famous Child Prodigy, has been with us for 265 YEARS!!!!!!!!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT!? That is INSANE right there! So of course, I have, A LOT of things planned for Mozart's 265th Birthday! We're gonna listen to some Records of his Music, on my Record Player, I'm gonna play some of his Music, on my Piano later, AND something that I wanted to do when I achieved 100 Followers, After interacting with people for almost TWO Years on Wattpad, I will FINALLY show what I look like! This is what a lot of people do for they're 100 Follower Special, which of course, I was gonna do as well, but since I'm having a little Techinical Difficulties with that as I already told you, I thought that it would be PERFECT to show What I Look Like on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's 265th Birthday! I think it would be a GREAT way to honour one of the most LEGENDARY People I've ever known in my life! So let's get PARTYING!!! I've got two Pictures of the Birthday Boy that I wanted to show to you guys today! The first Picture is a lot like my other Pictures of my Composer Dolls, sitting on my Kitchen Window Ledge, and the other Picture is me holding the Birthday Boy, as we pose for a picture! So let's get PARTYING!!!

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