The Ability To Speak Does Not Make You Intelligent

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Hey everybody, it's me again, back for another piece of Art! :D Today's piece of Art is another Meme! Yep! Another Meme from me! Now what Meme are we going to be taking a look at today? You ask? Well everyone, for the first time in THREE Quarters of a Year, I am finally posting another Star Wars Meme! I've only made one Star Wars Meme so far, and it was back on April 23rd 2020 about my friend, user0193636 as Chancellor Palpatine from Star Wars Episode III : Revenge Of The Sith, so to all of you Star Wars Meme Fans out there, I am really sorry that I haven't posted a Star Wars Meme in Three Quarters of a year, but I hope that this Meme today will make up for it, PLUS the fact that I have A LOT of Star Wars Drawings Coming soon! So you better stay tuned because you do NOT wanna miss them, or ANY other Drawings that are coming up soon! So stay tuned everyone! :D

Anyways, I have A lot of Drawings planned ahead from the Star Wars Movies, so which Drawing will I do first? Well, I am choosing to go in Chronological Order. So first I will start off with The Prequel Trilogy, which I have the most ideas for, then I'll do The Original Trilogy, and then I'll do a Special one AFTR The Original Trilogy! I don't really have any Drawing ideas for The Sequel Trilogy, but if you do, then please tell me! I would like to know! :D

So the very first Drawing that we're gonna be taking a look at is from the very first Episode of the Star Wars Saga, Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace. I have a couple of other pictures from that Movie in mind, but the scene we are gonna be looking at, comes before all the other ideas I have for the Movie. It's the part where Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi arrive on Naboo and meet the Jar Jar Binks and The Gungans, which are Alien Creatures who live there. The reason I'm gonna be Drawing that scene is because it has a very famous line, that has become a Meme over the years. After Jar Jar annoys Qui Gon after he saved him from getting run over, Qui Gon says to him "The Ability To Speak Does Not Make You Intelligent". And that line has become a GINORMOUS Meme over the Years! And I think that a lot of you are gonna get a kick out of it! XD

So now we know what Scene we're gonna Draw, but what are the Characters we're gonna Draw in the Picture? Well, for Jar Jar Binks, I decided to Draw him as his Angry Bird Self from Angry Birds Star Wars II, and the character who I use as Qui Gon Jinn in my Star Wars Parodies, Swabby from Object Land. The reason why I chose her as Qui Gon is because Swabby is basically what I like to call, "The Object Show Version Of Qui Gon Jinn" their personalities are very similar, so that's why I thought Swabby was a perfect match for one of the Coolest Characters in the Star Wars Universe! 

So now that we've finally got all the information out of the way, let's finally get to the Picture! :D

So now that we've finally got all the information out of the way, let's finally get to the Picture! :D

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XDDDDDDDDDD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Come on, Swabby! Jar Jar was only thanking you for saving his life! Don't talk to him like that! XD 😂

Alright guys, well that is gonna be it for today's Drawing, I hope you all found this one very funny because I certainly did! XD And I'm really hoping that I will be able to pump out another Drawing for tomorrow, it is also going to be from Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace, and I'm not gonna spoil it, but it WILL be from what I consider to be THE BEST Part of the Movie! So make sure you stay tuned for that! Thank you all for tuning in, as it really appreciates me, Thank you so much for over 300 Followers, Congratulations to The Legend Himself, JackNJellify for getting 900'000 Subscribers! He only needs 100'000 more for 1 Million! So thank you all for making a lot of Amazing things happen today, and I'll see you guys tomorrow for another Drawing! Bye! Love you all! :) :D <3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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